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辛昱铮, 陆伟, 孙佩锦
增进公众心理健康与福祉是人类面临的重要公共卫生课题,以促进心理健康为目标的绿色空间规划设计是健康城市建设的关键。基于Web of Science(WoS)数据库核心合集的英文文献,从绿色空间对心理健康的影响因素、影响机制与测度方法3个方面,梳理绿色空间与公众心理健康关联性研究的进展。既有研究表明:绿色空间与心理健康之间存在多因素混合、多机制协同作用;绿地自身特征与暴露特征主要通过3种间接途径产生心理健康效益,并受到个人与社会因素的调节。考虑既有研究在指标阈值与因果权重中的争议,以及在学科融合、指标选取及数据获取与分析方面的局限,建议未来研究在加强跨领域学科融合、细化绿地属性特征、关注个体属性与行为、进行纵向与实验研究、引入智能新技术等方面予以完善。
关键词:  健康城市  绿色空间  心理健康  影响机制  研究进展
Research and Prospect of Green Space from the Perspective of Public Mental Health
XIN Yuzheng, LU Wei, SUN Peijin
Dalian University of Technology
As mental health and well-being are crucial public health issues around the world, the planning and design of green space for promoting mental health have become a key to healthy city construction. With the English literature in the core collection of the WoS database, this research sorts out the progress in studies of the correlation between green space and mental health from three aspects: the influencing factors, impact mechanism, and measurement method. It has shown that there is a multi-factor mixture and multi-mechanism synergy between green space and mental health, and psychological health benefits are mainly generated through three indirect pathways by the characteristics of green space itself and exposure characteristics and moderated by individual and social factors. In light of the contentions of existing studies in indicator thresholds and causal weights, as well as the limitations in disciplinary integration, indicator selection, and data acquisition and analysis, it proposes that future studies should be improved in terms of strengthening cross-disciplinary integration, streamlining the attributes of green space characteristics, emphasizing individual attributes and behaviors, engaging in longitudinal and experimental studies, and introducing intelligent new technologies.
Key words:  healthy city  green space  mental health  impact mechanism  research progress
XIN Yuzheng,LU Wei,SUN Peijin.Research and Prospect of Green Space from the Perspective of Public Mental Health[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2022, 29(3):79-85.