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毕雪婷, 韩锋
关键词:  风景园林  环境伦理  荒野  自然价值  自然体验  审美解释  整体保护
基金项目:国家重点研发计划(编号 2016YFC0503308)
Natural Value and its Aesthetic Interpretation from the Perspective of Environmental Ethics
BI Xueting, HAN Feng
Tongji University
The dispute on wilderness between geography and culture has prompted the core goal of nature conservation to shift from “wild place” to “wildness”. Therefore, both the intrinsic values of non-human members of the ecosystem and the value relationships of symbiotic members will be demonstrated based on the natural value theory of Environmental Ethics. Thus, “a model of human-environment interactions” can be built by integrating science and aesthetics. It is concluded that the result of “human going into the wilderness” is “philosophy turning to wildness”. It means that natural experience can help humans develop active attachment to the natural space, that is, the spiritual and aesthetic consciousness will be constructed by the natural environment. Specifically, the material and spiritual orientations of natural value circulation emphasized by the wilderness philosophy can be converted into two directions to identify natural values — physical adaptation and mental response. Finally, a “visible+invisible” landscape value identification and management system can be established to show the overall beauty with the interactive configuration between nature and humans.
Key words:  landscape architecture  environmental ethics  wilderness  natural value  natural experience  aesthetic interpretation  integrated protection
BI Xueting,HAN Feng.Natural Value and its Aesthetic Interpretation from the Perspective of Environmental Ethics[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2022, 29(3):112-116.