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关键词:  风景园林  中国园林史  纵棹园  水景空间  舟游活动  乔莱
基金项目:国家自然科学基金(编号 51778317)
Research on the Relationship Between Waterscape Space and Boat Tour in Zongzhao Garden of Baoying in Early Qing Dynasty
GE Yiying
Tsinghua University
In the late Ming and early Qing dynasties, there were many types of living and recreational activities in gardens of regions south of the Yangtze River. But one of the activities, the popular boat tour based on the local climate and water was an untouched topic. This paper takes Zongzhao Garden of Baoying in Yangzhou, which was famous for waterscape, as the research object. Through comparison of documents and paintings, it analyses the location and layout of the garden, and summarizes the site conditions and vehicle characteristics necessary for boat tour. Then from three aspects, which are scenery view, boat recreation and boat landscape, the relationship between space including garden elements and boat is discussed, and philosophical implications of boat tour is revealed. The paper points out that the construction of waterscape space and practice of boat tour are interactive and influence each other, which exist a complex mechanism. This case is aimed to provide positive ideas and methods for contemporary construction of garden space and culture inheritance and innovation.
Key words:  landscape architecture  Chinese garden history  Zongzhao Garden  waterscape  boat tour  Qiao Lai
GE Yiying.Research on the Relationship Between Waterscape Space and Boat Tour in Zongzhao Garden of Baoying in Early Qing Dynasty[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2022, 29(3):136-142.