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关键词:  风景园林  国土景观遗产系统  景观自然性  景观形态学  景观史  文化史
基金项目:国家自然科学基金(编号 51708028);北京市社会科学基金(编号 17SRC018,18SRC019)
The Cognitive Framework of National Landscape Heritage System
XU Tong
Beijing Forestry University
The national spatial planning system provides an opportunity for unified protection of the national landscape heritage. On the basis of discussing the national experience of Italy, France, Japan and other countries that have carried out national landscape heritage protection legislation and planning practice, this research summarizes the natural and cultural values of national landscape heritage. Then, it puts forward the cognitive framework of national landscape heritage system from the perspective of system structure and elements relationship, the first natural element is composed of climate, geology and surface natural form, the second one is composed of surface artificial form shaped by human settlement, movement and production activities, and the third one is composed of specific ethnic group spirit interactive reflection and surface natural form. From the perspective of distribution space and heritage value, it concludes that the national landscape heritage system is merged into a multi-level system of the national, regional and local levels. From the perspective of research theories and academic paradigms, it incorporates the national landscape heritage into the path of interpretation for the current form, evolution process and humanistic phenomenon of landscape.
Key words:  landscape architecture  national landscape heritage system  nature of landscape  landscape morphology  history of landscape  cultural history
XU Tong.The Cognitive Framework of National Landscape Heritage System[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2022, 29(4):12-19.