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徐昉, 崔庆伟
关键词:  矿业遗产  矿业景观要素识别  矿业遗产保护  矿业遗产再生  欧洲
基金项目:中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金(编号 BLX201942,2019ZY45);北京林业大学建设世界一流学科和特色发展引导专项(编号 2019XKJS0320)
Experience and Inspiration of Value Identification, Protection and Regeneration of Mining Heritage in Europe
XU Fang, CUI Qingwei
Beijing Forestry University
Mining sites of coal, metals and non-metals are important components of modern industrial heritage. They are also main targets of current ecological restoration projects. Inappropriate restoration and governance methods can easily damage valuable mining industrial relics, posing challenges to the protection and regeneration of China’s mining heritage. This research systematically analyzes the European experience and practices in mining heritage value identification, protection and regeneration, and compares the legal basis in different countries in Europe, as well as the strategies for regional integration, multi-subject participation, adaptive revitalization and all-round publicity. It proposes that mining sites are characterized by natural and cultural heritage properties. The European experience gives three inspirations for the protection and regeneration of mining heritage in China. Firstly, evaluate the mining heritage values and identify key heritage resources in the mining areas; Secondly, improve the multi-level mining heritage protection and management system; Thirdly, strengthen the multi-departmental and cross-professional collaboration to promote the activation and utilization of mining heritage.
Key words:  mining heritage  identification of mining landscape elements  protection of mining heritage  regeneration of mining heritage  Europe
XU Fang,CUI Qingwei.Experience and Inspiration of Value Identification, Protection and Regeneration of Mining Heritage in Europe[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2022, 29(4):77-82.