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王志芳, 简钰清, 黄志彬, 付宏鹏
基于自然的解决方案(NbS)是所有以自然为基础、为环境和人类带来利益的各种相关做法的统称。概念范畴的综合性使得NbS的研究与落实需要细化的视角与切入点,但目前尚缺乏明确的路径。用中国知网和Web of Science数据库对国内外的研究进行筛选,并通过质性分析探究NbS的不同研究视角。发现NbS的研究主要从对象、主体、目标、方案4个层面展开:对象上关注绿色基础设施、生态系统或社会挑战;主体上聚焦人与自然的相对作用以及不同人群的不同作用;目标上侧重形式、功能和可持续发展目标;方案上针对生态系统受损程度或社会挑战。不同层面的切入点差异较大,一般只关注1~2个方面,且现有NbS研究侧重以对象确定方案,对主体和目标重视度不足。鉴于此,以国土空间规划为基础,综合国内外已有的NbS视角,提出“三生空间—生态系统—综合挑战—预期效益—实施主体及方法—操作手册及监测标准”的NbS实施途径。揭示了国内外NbS研究与落实过程中的多元思路,对促进NbS本土化发展具有现实意义。
关键词:  生态保护修复  生态系统  国土空间规划  社会挑战  景观规划  景观设计
基金项目:国家自然科学基金(编号 41871153)
A Review of Nature-based Solutions Research Perspectives and Enlightenments Thereof to the Application in China
WANG Zhifang, JIAN Yuqing, HUANG Zhibin, FU Hongpeng
Peking University
Nature-based Solutions (NbS) is a collective term for all relevant nature-based practices that benefit the environment and people. The comprehensiveness of the conceptual scope of NbS entails a refined perspective and entry point for NbS research and implementation, but there is still a lack of clear pathways to achieve this. This research screens relevant NbS researches home and abroad using CNKI and Web of Science database to explore different perspectives for NbS research through qualitative analysis. It is found that these NbS researches are mainly conducted at four levels: objects, subjects, goals and schemes. Specifically, objects focus on green infrastructure, ecosystem or social challenges; subjects, emphasize relative roles of human and nature and different roles of different people; goals highlight forms, functions and sustainable development goals; and schemes target at the extent of ecosystem damage or social challenges. Additionally, the entry points at different levels vary significantly, generally focusing on only one to two aspects, and existing NbS researches mostly prefer to determine schemes by objects, with insufficient emphasis on subjects and goals. In view of this, this research, based on territorial spatial planning, proposes an NbS implementation pathway of “production-living-ecological space – ecosystems – comprehensive challenges – expected benefits – implementation subjects and methods – operation manuals and monitoring standards” by integrating existing NbS research perspectives home and abroad, while revealing current diversified ideas in NbS research and implementation, which is of practical significance for promoting the localization of NbS in China.
Key words:  ecological conservation and restoration  ecosystem  territorial spatial planning  social challenge  landscape planning  landscape design
WANG Zhifang,JIAN Yuqing,HUANG Zhibin,FU Hongpeng.A Review of Nature-based Solutions Research Perspectives and Enlightenments Thereof to the Application in China[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2022, 29(6):12-19.