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钟乐1, 赵智聪2, 王小珊3, 杨胜兰1
关键词:  风景园林  生物多样性保护  气候变化  碳中和  碳达峰  国家公园  自然保护地  协同治理
基金项目:国家自然科学基金(编号 51978365);中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金 ( 编号 2662020YLQD003)
Construction Path of Protected Areas in China Based on the Synergy of Climate Change Response and Biodiversity Conservation
ZHONG Le1, ZHAO Zhicong2, WANG Xiaoshan3, YANG Shenglan1
1.Huazhong Agricultural University;2.National Park Research Institute, Tsinghua University;3.Tsinghua University
Biodiversity conservation and climate governance are issues of great global concern and part of China’s national strategies. The construction of protected areas is a standard solution for both issues. However, there is currently a lack of research on the construction path of protected areas based on the synergy of biodiversity conservation and climate change response. This research reviews the development history of the synergistic governance of biodiversity conservation and climate change response in China and the world and the role of protected areas and relevant practice therein. It further analyzes the three advantages, three opportunities and three major challenges in constructing protected areas in China based on the synergy of biodiversity conservation and climate change response. On this basis, the research puts forward a framework for the construction path of protected areas in China, which is featured by the synergy of mitigation and adaptation, synergy within and outside the boundary, and synergy of system and individual. Additionally, it proposes several core points in the construction of national parks, nature reserves and various natural parks, and provide for reference a feasible construction path and possible actions from six dimensions: cognitive level, legal system, funding mechanism, management system, community response and scientific research. The research initially establishes a framework for the construction of protected areas in China based on the synergy of climate change response and biodiversity conservation, which is referential to related researches, policy formulation and work implementation.
Key words:  landscape architecture  biodiversity conservation  climate change  carbon neutrality  carbon peaking  national park  protected area  synergistic governance
ZHONG Le,ZHAO Zhicong,WANG Xiaoshan,YANG Shenglan.Construction Path of Protected Areas in China Based on the Synergy of Climate Change Response and Biodiversity Conservation[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2022, 29(6):56-62.