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张灵珠1, (法)晴安蓝2, 崔敏榆1, 曾文馨2
关键词:  风景园林  小型公共空间  空间设计网络分析(sDNA)  三维可达性  连续性公共空间网络  “纳凉网络”  立体化城市  香港
基金项目:国家自然科学基金青年科学基金(编号 52008297);香港特别行政区政府推动行人友善发展的智慧政策研究(编号 SPPR S2017.A7.004.17S);上海市浦江人才计划(编号 21PJC114)
Between the In-between: A Design Study of “Cool Network” Based on 3D Accessibility
ZHANG Lingzhu1, (FRA) Alain Chiaradia2, CUI Minyu1, ZENG Wenxin2
1.Tongji University;2.University of Hong Kong
Some major cities have formulated relevant policies and planning strategies targeting at urban heat island effect. However, such policies and strategies seldom consider public space visiting behavior, citizen walking behavior and three-dimensional (3D) characteristic of high-density cities. Taking the small public spaces in the Central and Western District and Wan Chai District in Hong Kong as an extreme example of volumetric urban design, this research uses 3D spatial design network analysis (3D sDNA) to measure the accessibility and traffic potential of public spaces based on a cognitive pathfinding mechanism. Additionally, by virtue of unsupervised machine learning, the research investigates the relationships between such factors as size, location visibility and design quality of the public spaces in Hong Kong, finding that the design quality of such public spaces improves with the increase of their area and visibility. In combination with small public spaces, urban ventilation and daily routes most frequently used by pedestrians, the research outlines a design sketch for a proposed “cool network” in Wan Chai, with a view to enabling the “cool network” to serve all age groups with different occupations therein. Through both quantitative and qualitative discussions, the research explores the complexity of accessibility for pedestrians based on which a logical space design intervention method was proposed, to increase both the usage frequency and the coverage of user groups of public spaces while providing a powerful support for planning and design practice regarding public spaces in high-density cities.
Key words:  landscape architecture  small public space  spatial design network analysis (sDNA)  3D accessibility  continuous public space network  “cool network”  volumetric city  Hong Kong
ZHANG Lingzhu,(FRA) Alain Chiaradia,CUI Minyu,ZENG Wenxin.Between the In-between: A Design Study of “Cool Network” Based on 3D Accessibility[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2022, 29(6):109-114.