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赵智聪, 王沛
关键词:  生物多样性保护  自然保护地  连通性  气候变化  生态廊道  国土空间规划  生态保护网络
基金项目:国家自然科学基金(编号 51708323,51978365)
Significance and Key Issues of Protected Area Connectivity in China
ZHAO Zhicong, WANG Pei
Tsinghua University
Protected areas are essential for biodiversity conservation and climate change mitigation, and the effective functioning thereof depends on the establishment of a well-connected protected area network. This research expounds on the importance of protected area connectivity in contexts of habitat fragmentation and climate change crisis. After differentiating and analyzing concepts and sorting out research and practice related to protected area connectivity, the research proposes the concept of protected area connectivity in China from the four aspects of the conceptual level, ecological object, space scope and time scope. It discusses six critical issues of protected area connectivity in China, including the relationship between protected area connectivity and territorial spatial planning, relationship between protected area connectivity and climate change, and the evaluation system, monitoring system, improvement path and guarantee mechanism for protected area connectivity.
Key words:  biodiversity conservation  protected area  connectivity  climate change  ecological corridor  territorial spatial planning  ecological conservation network
ZHAO Zhicong,WANG Pei.Significance and Key Issues of Protected Area Connectivity in China[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2022, 29(7):12-17.