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Formulation of Working Procedures for Landscape Architectural Programming Based on Urban Parks
ZHONG Heli, LUO Yue, LIN Guangsi
South China University of Technology
The emphasis on the intrinsic relationship between design and research in the discipline of landscape architecture entails the research on landscape architectural programming that is aimed at more scientific search for design problems and more reasonable formulation of design task. However, there are several limitations in landscape architectural programming, such as inadequately instructive methods and procedures and few practical cases. Taking four urban parks in Shenzhen as objects, this research describes the design and construction process of the aforesaid urban parks with case study method to summarize a six-stage working procedure for landscape architectural programming featuring the combination of theory and practice: goal presetting, real-time investigation and analysis, conceptual and spatial conceiving, goal demonstration, programming representation, and post-evaluation. This research advocates a detailed demonstration of such design requirements and contents of urban parks as site selection, type, function, scale and layout through landscape planning at the beginning of the design process, with a view to improving the accuracy in the instruction on the design and formulation of programming scheme by the design tasks as design analysis for improved design efficiency and design effects. The research provides a set of clear and visible operation frameworks for landscape architectural programming regarding urban parks, thus improving the scientificity and rationality of design basis for practice of landscape architecture, and complementing the theoretical and methodological system of landscape design.
Key words:  programming  landscape architectural programming (LAP)  landscape design  urban park  working procedure  design task
ZHONG Heli,LUO Yue,LIN Guangsi.Formulation of Working Procedures for Landscape Architectural Programming Based on Urban Parks[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2022, 29(7):97-102.