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刘珊珊1, 黄晓2, (朝鲜)尹重君2
关键词:  皇家园林  仙境营造  药用植物  绘画图像  湮废园林
基金项目:国家自然科学基金青年科学基金(编号 52008302);国家自然科学基金面上项目(编号 52078039)
Landscaping by Medicinal Plants in the Creation of Fairyland in Chinese Royal Gardens
LIU Shanshan1, HUANG Xiao2, (PRK) Yun Junggun2
1.Beijing University of Civil Engineering and Architecture;2.Beijing Forestry University
The creation of fairyland is an essential theme in Chinese royal gardens. As a representative of “celestial medicine”, medicinal plants have rich symbolic meanings and are an important element in the creation of fairyland theme and imagery. By studying related literature and paintings, this research analyzes the myths of Kunlun and Penglai, which are the origin of Chinese gardens, and combs the archetypes of medicinal plants originating in mythological fairylands and their symbolic meanings. Additionally, taking Xianglong Stone and Genyue Royal Garden in Song Dynasty, the Mountain Resort of Chengde and the Old Summer Palace in Qing Dynasty as examples, the research discusses how to use medicinal plants to complete detail and theme design, organize scene structure, and develop a systematic landscaping narrative. This research can help understand the integrity of fairyland creation in Chinese royal gardens from the perspective of medicinal plants, and provide reference for further research on the restoration of plants in obsolete gardens and for contemporary design of healthcare landscape.
Key words:  royal garden  fairyland creation  medicinal plant  painting image  obsolete garden
LIU Shanshan,HUANG Xiao,(PRK) Yun Junggun.Landscaping by Medicinal Plants in the Creation of Fairyland in Chinese Royal Gardens[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2022, 29(8):45-50.