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岳邦瑞, 潘卫涛, 郝旺奂
关键词:  风景园林  景观规划  国土空间规划  生态交错区  浅山区  扎根理论  秦岭北麓
基金项目:国家自然科学基金(编号 51578437);宁夏回族自治区重点研发计划重大(重点)项目(编号 2019BBF02014)
Research on Influential Factors of Spatial Management and Control in Foothill Area Based on Grounded Theory: A Case Study of the Northern Foot of Qinling Mountains in Xi’an
YUE Bangrui, PAN Weitao, HAO Wanghuan
Xi’an University of Architecture and Technology
Foothill area is one of the essential research objects of landscape planning. The effectiveness of spatial management and control in foothill area are influenced by complex factors such as multiple management and control subjects and policies due to the characteristics of foothill area as a mountain and plain ecotone. Identifying the influencing factors of spatial management and control is a crucial challenge for efficient management and scientific planning of foothill area. Taking the northern foot of Qinling Mountains in Xi’an as an example, this research implements an in-depth interview with several planning managers and technicians based on relevant methods and procedure of grounded theory, encodes and analyzes interview results by MAXQDA software, constructs a classification model for influential factors of spatial management and control in foothill area in Xi’an from the two dimensions of the relationship between technology and policy and its changeability thereof, and finally obtains three influential factors: changeable-technical (planning factors), changeable-nontechnical (cognitive, systematic, institutional and situational factors), and immutable-nontechnical (background factors). Based on this, the research further summarizes that object cognition, management and control system, and planning formulation are key technical factors influencing the spatial management and control in foothill area in Xi’an, and proposes such suggestions as establishing a guideline for spatial management and control featuring the superposition of two factors of nature conservation and land use based on the ecological security pattern, which provides a theoretical basis for the in-depth integration of landscape architecture disciplines into the territorial spatial planning of foothill area.
Key words:  landscape architecture  landscape planning  territorial spatial planning  ecotone  foothill area  grounded theory  the northern foot of Qinling Mountains
YUE Bangrui,PAN Weitao,HAO Wanghuan.Research on Influential Factors of Spatial Management and Control in Foothill Area Based on Grounded Theory: A Case Study of the Northern Foot of Qinling Mountains in Xi’an[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2022, 29(8):108-113.