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基于笔者40年来的研究与实践,回顾了景观感知及视觉评价在风景园林学科专业中的重要影响及其60年来引领风景园林美学走向科学理性的积极作用。以生命体的视角,提出应从时空、能量、信息三维度重新审视风景园林,进而依据人类2 000年来走过的风景园林景观-感知“五阶段”,重新认识、定义景观感知及视觉评价的关键作用;重温景观感知领域研究的缘起、初心及早期的科学研究观与创新成就,借以分析目前该领域研究的关键问题成因:重复性的应用研究有余而开创性的理论探索不足,分析、分解思维方法有余而综合、整合体系的思维方法缺失。论证了以“交叉、综合、体系”理念发展景观感知理论的必要性,提出了景观感应理论的基本思想,阐述了涵盖全景观感应五方面的5个“元素体”及其组成的“三元耦合”ד二元互动”ד主客合一”的哲学主张,由此构建起了一个全面、综合、一体的景观感应体系化框架,旨在推进景观感知及视觉评价研究与应用走向体系化,让景观感应在风景园林学科及其美学领域中发挥更大的引领理论研究与指导规划设计实践的作用。
关键词:  景观感知  景观感应  视觉评价  体系化  风景园林美学
基金项目:国家自然科学基金面上项目(编号 51678417);国家自然科学基金重点项目(编号 52130804)
Towards Landscape Interaction: Inheritance and Development of Landscape Perception and Visual Evaluation
LIU Binyi
Tongji University
Based on the author’s 40 years of research and practice, this research reviews the critical influence of landscape perception and visual evaluation in the discipline of landscape architecture and the positive role thereof in leading landscape aesthetics to get on the right track of scientificity and rationality in the past 60 years. From the perspective of life entity, the research proposes to take a new look at landscape architecture from the three dimensions of time and space, energy and information and, according to the “five stages” of landscape perception that human beings have gone through in the past 2,000 years from the evolution of Chinese landscape architecture, rediscover and redefine the key role of landscape perception and visual evaluation, and review the origin, original intention and early research philosophy and innovation achievements in landscape perception research, so as to analyze the causes for key problems in current researches in this field: excessive repetitive application research but insufficient pioneering theoretical exploration, excessive analysis and decomposition but very few integration and systematization. This research demonstrates the necessity of developing and improving the landscape perception theory with the concept of “intersection, integration and systematization”, puts forward the basic idea of the landscape interaction theory, and expounds on the five “element bodies” covering the five aspects of landscape interaction as a whole and a philosophical proposition composed of the element bodies mentioned above that are featured by the combination of “ternary coupling”, “binary interaction” and “unity of subject and object”, so as to construct a comprehensive, holistic and integrated systematization framework for landscape interaction, thus promoting the systematization of the research and application of landscape perception and visual evaluation, and enabling landscape interaction to play a more significant role in leading theoretical research and guiding planning and design practice in the discipline and aesthetics field of landscape architecture.
Key words:  landscape perception  landscape interaction  visual evaluation  systematization  landscape aesthetic
LIU Binyi.Towards Landscape Interaction: Inheritance and Development of Landscape Perception and Visual Evaluation[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2022, 29(9):12-17.