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刘喆, 潘瑞琦, 李昊冉, 郑曦
关键词:  城市公共绿地  环境效益  植被群落特征  生态系统服务制图  激光雷达  WorldView-3
Mapping Method for Environmental Benefits of Large-Scale Public Green Space Based on Characteristics of Vegetation Community
LIU Zhe, PAN Ruiqi, LI Haoran, ZHENG Xi
Beijing Forestry University
The environmental benefit of large-scale public green space is an important value of green space as green infrastructure of human settlements. The mapping analysis of environmental benefit is an important technical means to promote the environmental benefit of green space. However, due to the lack of means to quickly obtain the environmental benefits of vegetation communities and the framework of spatial mapping methods for the environmental benefits of large-scale public green space, it is often difficult to provide in-depth guidance on design and help decision-making optimization with existing mapping technologies. This research adopts an environmental benefit mapping method based on the characteristics of vegetation community, together with the WorldView-3 high-precision remote sensing image and ground Lidar spatial data acquisition technology, based on which extracts the vegetation community type distribution and vegetation community characteristics of green space, evaluates four green space benefit goals of carbon sequestration, stormwater regulation, air purification and climate regulation, and carries out spatial mapping and analysis. The research results show that the mapping technology for environmental benefits based on the characteristics of vegetation community can reveal the spatial distribution of environmental benefits of large-scale public green space at the vegetation community scale, show the heterogeneity of environmental benefits of different plant landscape areas, ensure highly efficient mapping and evaluation, provide a detailed basis for spatial identification and optimization of planning and design, and promote the improvement of environmental benefits of large-scale public green space.
Key words:  urban public green space  environmental benefits  vegetation community characteristic  ecosystem service mapping  Lidar  WorldView-3
LIU Zhe,PAN Ruiqi,LI Haoran,ZHENG Xi.Mapping Method for Environmental Benefits of Large-Scale Public Green Space Based on Characteristics of Vegetation Community[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2022, 29(10):67-73.