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王敏, 宋昊洋, 汪洁琼
关键词:  风景园林  城市公园  供需匹配  供给效能  调控策略  满意度
基金项目:国家自然科学基金(编号 52178053)
A Macro-Micro Comparison of Factors Influencing Urban Park Overall Satisfaction and Intelligent Regulation of Supply and Demand: A Case Study of Kunshan City, Jiangsu Province
WANG Min, SONG Haoyang, WANG Jieqiong
Tongji University
In the context of quantity reduction and quality improvement for urban development, it is important to optimize the supply efficiency of urban parks for improving residents’ overall satisfaction with urban parks and meeting their daily recreational needs. Taking Kunshan City, Jiangsu Province as an example, this research uses questionnaire survey, cluster analysis and partial least square regression (PLSR) model analysis to clarify the way that macro spatial layout features such as overall scale and distribution form and micro site design features such as landscape space, facility support and maintenance management of urban parks influence the overall satisfaction of residents. Furthermore, focusing on high-density urban areas, the research compares the dynamic priority relationship between influential factors at macro and micro scales under the intervention of supplying built-up space, and reveals key factors involved in intelligent regulation of the supply and demand of urban parks. The results show that: 1) on the whole, macro spatial layout features and micro site design features are basically consistent with each other in terms of the supply efficiency of recreation services; 2) in high-density urban areas, micro site design features show higher supply efficiency. Based on this, the research proposes multi-level and dynamic intelligent regulation strategies of supply and demand for improving residents’ overall satisfaction with urban parks in Kunshan City, including enlarging the scale of green spaces, enhancing the agglomeration of green spaces, expanding landscape spaces in three dimensions, adding fitness service facilities and improving management service level, so as to provide reference for more efficient optimization of residents’ recreation experience.
Key words:  landscape architecture  urban park  matching of supply and demand  supply efficiency  regulation strategy  satisfaction
WANG Min,SONG Haoyang,WANG Jieqiong.A Macro-Micro Comparison of Factors Influencing Urban Park Overall Satisfaction and Intelligent Regulation of Supply and Demand: A Case Study of Kunshan City, Jiangsu Province[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2022, 29(10):109-114.