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刘炳熙, 田宇, 王蕾, 许大为
城市快速发展可能引发公园绿地供需关系偏离规划目标,导致其供需矛盾日益加重。为探索公园绿地供需差异并解决供需研究尺度的局限性,以500 m×500 m网格为基础研究单元,以公园绿地分级设置要求为阈值,采用高斯两步移动搜索(Ga2SFCA)法和供需水平测度方法分别分析2010、2018年哈尔滨主城区公园绿地可达性时空分布变化和供需时空差异。研究表明,哈尔滨主城区公园绿地供给水平未达城市绿地规划标准要求,尽管公园绿地面积增多,但不合理的空间配置反而加剧了公园绿地供需失衡,不同区域间公园绿地种类的不均衡性是引起供需空间差异的关键。经进一步推测,建设时期、土地资源、城市规划和市场机制是公园绿地供需差异的主要影响因素。根据供需匹配结果,提出针对性的公园绿地布局优化策略,为公园绿地供需平衡提供精细有效的参考依据。
关键词:  风景园林  城市绿地  时空差异  可达性  网格化
基金项目:国家自然科学基金(编号 42171246);黑龙江省重点研发计划指导类项目(编号 GZ20210193)
Spatio-Temporal Disparity Between Supply and Demand of Park Green Spaces Based on Grid Scale: A Case Study of the Main Urban Area of Harbin
LIU Bingxi, TIAN Yu, WANG Lei, XU Dawei
Northeast Forestry University
The rapid development of cities may cause the supply of park green spaces to deviate from the planning goals, resulting in increasingly severe contradiction between the supply and demand of park green spaces. In order to explore the disparity between supply and demand of park green spaces and deal with the limitations of supply-demand research scale, this research, with grid of 500 m×500 m as the basic research unit and the requirements for classification and setting of park green spaces as the threshold, adopts the Gaussian two-step floating catchment area (Ga2SFCA) method and the supply-demand measurement method to analyze the changes in the spatio-temporal distribution of the accessibility and spatio-temporal disparity between the supply and demand of park green spaces in the main urban area of Harbin in 2010 and 2018 respectively. The result shows that the supply level of park green spaces in the main urban area of Harbin fails to meet the requirements of urban green space planning standards. Although the area of park green spaces increases, the unreasonable spatial allocation exacerbates the imbalance between supply and demand of park green spaces. It is speculated that such factors as construction period, land resources, urban planning and market mechanisms mainly affect the supply-demand disparity of park green spaces. According to the matching results of supply and demand, the research proposes a targeted optimization strategy for the layout of park green spaces, in hope of providing a fine and effective reference for improving the balance between supply and demand of park green spaces.
Key words:  landscape architecture  urban green spaces  spatio-temporal disparity  accessibility  grid-based
LIU Bingxi,TIAN Yu,WANG Lei,XU Dawei.Spatio-Temporal Disparity Between Supply and Demand of Park Green Spaces Based on Grid Scale: A Case Study of the Main Urban Area of Harbin[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2022, 29(10):115-121.