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江浩波1, 宋孟坤2, 肖扬2
城市滨水区品质提升对上海建设全球城市意义重大。既有滨水区品质评价研究主要基于人与自然环境的主动互动视角,而基于视觉感知的人与自然环境被动互动视角的研究尚未系统展开。基于街景分析技术,构建滨水空间视觉景观舒适度评价体系,对上海“一江一河”滨水空间进行视觉景观舒适度评价。研究发现,上海 “一江一河”滨水空间视觉景观舒适度的空间分异现象显著,线性滨水空间的连续性有待提升。由此以期为城市高品质发展和精细化管控提供技术支撑。
关键词:  城市滨水空间  品质评价  街景分析  视觉景观舒适度  黄浦江  苏州河
基金项目:国家社会科学基金面上项目(编号 19BSH035);上海同济城市规划设计研究院有限公司暨长三角城市群智能规划协同创新中心科研课题(编号 KY-2018-YB-A07)
Research on Visual Landscape Comfort Evaluation of Waterfront Space: A Case Study of Huangpu River and Suzhou Creek in Shanghai
JIANG Haobo1, SONG Mengkun2, XIAO Yang2
1.Shanghai Tongji Urban Planning & Design Institute Co., Ltd;2.Tongji University
Improving the quality of urban waterfront areas is of great significance to the construction of Shanghai into a global city. However, the existing waterfront quality evaluation studies are mainly based on the active interaction between human and nature, while the research on the passive interaction perspective of human and natural environment based on visual perception has not been systematically carried out. Based on the streetscape analysis technology, the visual landscape comfort evaluation system for waterfront space is constructed to evaluate the level of visual landscape comfort along Huangpu River and Suzhou Creek in Shanghai. This research finds that the spatial variation of the visual landscape comfort of Huangpu River and Suzhou Creek in Shanghai waterfront space is significant, and the continuity of linear waterfront space needs to be improved. In this way, it is expected to provide technical support for the high-quality development and refined management and control of cities.
Key words:  urban waterfront space  quality evaluation  streetscape analysis  visual landscape comfort  Huangpu River  Suzhou Creek
JIANG Haobo,SONG Mengkun,XIAO Yang.Research on Visual Landscape Comfort Evaluation of Waterfront Space: A Case Study of Huangpu River and Suzhou Creek in Shanghai[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2022, 29(10):122-129.