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林晓钰1, 汪涵2
关键词:  全尺度  跨层级  乡村人居环境  形态演变  乡土聚落
基金项目:国家自然科学基金(编号 52208018);中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金(编号 FB45001035);深圳市引进海外高层次人才科研启动基金(编号 FB11409007)
Level System Construction for Research on Spatial Form of Rural Living Environment Under the “Full-Scale and Cross-Level” Perspective
LIN Xiaoyu1, WANG Han2
1.Harbin Institute of Technology, Shenzhen;2.Donghua University
Country and city are both important living environment juxtaposed with each other. As to the country, or the rural living environments, the research paradigm for the spatial form thereof needs to be updated further to explore the evolution mechanism of rural spatial form. This research firstly organizes the full-scale level method for open building that integrates the external and internal spaces of building, and refines the “skeleton - infill” relationship between the levels and the cross-level logical core for form governance levels. Secondly, in the context of rural living environment, the research conducts level expansion and adjustment, determines the main research content of each level, and constructs the logical relationship framework between levels. Finally, taking Xiaqiao Village in Taishun County, Wenzhou City, Zhejiang Province as an example, the research, from the perspectives of external and internal factors, interprets the cross-level transmission and transformation mechanism of spatial form, and under the “full-scale and cross-level” prospective, constructs a level system for the spatial form research of rural living environment including seven spatial levels: region, settlement, community, neighborhood, homestead, residential unit, and room, in hope of providing insight into cognitive methods to deepen the understanding of rural built environment in urban-rural transition.
Key words:  full-scale  cross-level  rural living environment  form evolution  vernacular-style settlement
LIN Xiaoyu,WANG Han.Level System Construction for Research on Spatial Form of Rural Living Environment Under the “Full-Scale and Cross-Level” Perspective[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2022, 29(11):59-64.