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(韩)康峻豪, (爱尔兰)加雷斯·多尔蒂, 肖粟丰
潜嫂(或海女,Haenyeo)是在韩国济州岛生活的女性潜水人。她们通过屏住呼吸的潜水,以捕捉海洋动物和收割海藻为生。回应着潮水的起落,她们同时在海洋和陆地上耕耘,将所需的养料从一处传递给另一处来建立2种生态间的联系。基于主笔人康峻豪在潜嫂社区长达一年的景观实地考察,提出潜水都市主义(Submersible Urbanism):它作为一个有节律的、相互的、区域性的系统,其中的角色积极地在可耕种的陆地/海洋和建成环境之间,交换各自的产品和副产物。研究从城市、景观和建筑3个尺度,提出3个关于潜水都市主义的设计主张:建立岛屿和海洋间循环的营养系统,打造潜水步道,以及为扩展潜嫂社区提供新的公共资源系统。潜水都市主义的这些设计主张为气候变化和海平面上升的时代提供了一个弹性的生活模式。
关键词:  潜水都市主义  潜嫂  海女  潜水的女子  景观实地考察  风景园林  海洋景观  公共资源  海平面上升  气候弹性
Submersible Urbanism and Its Commons: Jamsu (Haenyeo) Living Across Land and Sea on Jeju Island
(KOR) Junho Kang, (IRL) Gareth Doherty, XIAO Sufeng
Harvard University
The Jamsu (Haenyeo) are female divers on Jeju Island, South Korea, who catch marine animals and harvest seaweed through breath-holding diving. Responding to the ebb and flow of the ocean, they have cultivated both sea and land, connecting these ecologies by transferring necessary nutrients from one to the other. Based on a year-long landscape fieldwork in the Jamsu community by the lead author (Kang), this research proposes Submersible Urbanism: a rhythmic, reciprocal, and regional system in which actors positively exchange their (by)products through the cultivated land/seascape and built environment. This paper provides three propositions of Submersible Urbanism in the scales of city, landscape, and architecture: a cyclical trophic system across the island and sea, submersible walkway, and a new commons for the expanded Jamsu community. These propositions of Submersible Urbanism suggest a resilient model of living in the era of climate change and sea-level rise.
Key words:  Submersible Urbanism  Jamsu  Haenyeo  diving-women  landscape fieldwork  landscape architecture  seascape  commons  sea-level rise  climate resilience
(KOR) Junho Kang,(IRL) Gareth Doherty,XIAO Sufeng.Submersible Urbanism and Its Commons: Jamsu (Haenyeo) Living Across Land and Sea on Jeju Island[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2022, 29(11):131-144.