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刘颂, 张浩鹏
关键词:  风景园林  碳中和  城市绿地  碳汇  多尺度  综述
基金项目:国家自然科学基金(编号 52178050)
Research Progress of the Mechanism and Approach of Carbon Sink in Urban Green Space at Multiple Scales
LIU Song, ZHANG Haopeng
Tongji University
As a Nature-based Solution (NbS), the construction and protection of urban green spaces has a positive effect on the mitigation of climate change and the achievement of carbon peaking and carbon neutrality goals. Comprehensively understanding the carbon sink function of urban green space from a multi-scale perspective and analyzing the realization approach and mechanism can help to improve the carbon sequestration capacity of urban green space throughout the life cycle and achieve carbon peaking and carbon neutrality goals. Taking the three scales of urban green space patch, urban green space system, and urban ecological space as the entry points, this research analyzes the approach and mechanism of carbon sink function, and summarizes key approaches to improve the green space carbon sink effect at each scale. In the future, it is necessary to implement research on the evaluation framework of the carbon sink function of urban green space throughout the life cycle, to study the trade-off and synergistic between the carbon sink and other functions of urban green space, and to explore the driving mechanism for the landscape pattern of the carbon sink function of urban green space.
Key words:  landscape architecture  carbon neutrality  urban green space  carbon sink  multi-scale  review
LIU Song,ZHANG Haopeng.Research Progress of the Mechanism and Approach of Carbon Sink in Urban Green Space at Multiple Scales[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2022, 29(12):55-59.