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邵志芳1, 汪东东2, 于光宇3, 童丽娟3
关键词:  绿道  绿道管理  分级分类  郊野径  碧道  深圳
Building of Shenzhen Greenway Grading and Classification Systems Based on Requirements of Users and Managers
SHAO Zhifang1, WANG Dongdong2, YU Guangyu3, TONG Lijuan3
1.Urban Management Bureau of Shenzhen Municipality;2.Shenzhen Park Service;3.Urban Planning & Design Institute of Shenzhen (UPDIS)
Previous researches on greenway grading and classification systems mainly focus on the early stages of greenway’s whole life cycle of “planning-construction-use-management-maintenance”, while seldom paying attention to citizen-oriented use guidance and manager-oriented construction and maintenance. Taking the greenways of Shenzhen as the research object, this research first combs international and domestic greenway classification systems, and analyses their priorities, applicability, experience and deficiencies. After that, the research investigates the requirements for greenway use and management in Shenzhen by means of questionnaire, interview and fieldwork. Finally, in combination with local greenway characteristics and management system, the research builds a user-oriented greenway grading system based on use difficulty, and a manager-oriented classification system based on construction intensity. The aforesaid grading and classification systems are of both theoretical and practical significance as they can well supplement and improve existing greenway research systems, provide refined guidelines for the use and management of greenways, and offer reference for greenway-related works in other cities.
Key words:  greenway  greenway management  grading and classification  country trail  blueway  Shenzhen
SHAO Zhifang,WANG Dongdong,YU Guangyu,TONG Lijuan.Building of Shenzhen Greenway Grading and Classification Systems Based on Requirements of Users and Managers[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2022, 29(12):65-70.