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戴维·坎普1, 刘睿2, 陈崇贤3
1.Dirtworks 景观事务所;2.上海植物园;3.华南农业大学
关键词:  自然、设计、健康  景观设计  健康本源设计  适应性海岸基础设施
Building Health: The Role of Nature and Design
David Kamp1, LIU Rui2, CHEN Chongxian3
1.Dirtworks Landscape Architecture;2.Shanghai Botanical Garden;3.South China Agricultural University
[Objective] This paper seeks to put individual health on a continuum with environmental health. It presents an approach to sustainable development that emphasizes the individual perspective in promoting health, a strategy that helps create conditions for individuals to better cope with life’s challenges, improve the quality of life and increase a sense of wellbeing and connectedness to nature. [Methods] Using case studies, the paper explores salutogenic design concepts that can help establish health-promoting resources for communities and address larger health inequalities. [Results] Salutogenic concepts can be extrapolated to inform design choices, enhancing individual experiences and health-promoting outlooks within the framework of large-scale sustainable development initiatives. [Conclusion] A holistic design methodology incorporating salutogenesis, natural systems and technology with physical and social infrastructure can help create a healthy, vibrant, resilient, and equitable future.
Key words:  nature, design, and health  landscape design  salutogenic design  adaptive coastal infrastructure
David Kamp,LIU Rui,CHEN Chongxian.Building Health: The Role of Nature and Design[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2023, 30(1):20-29.