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倪超琦, 张怡倩, 陈楚文
关键词:  风景园林  景观感知  乡村旅游  重游意愿  结构方程模型  乡村精品线
基金项目:国家社会科学基金“乡村振兴背景下特色小镇及相关城市的可持续发展要素配置与优化研究”(编号 19BGL174);省部共建临安乡村振兴示范区建设规划(“125”计划,编号 H20190240)
Influence of Landscape Perception on Tourists’ Intention to Revisit Rural Boutique Lines
NI Chaoqi, ZHANG Yiqian, CHEN Chuwen
Zhejiang A&F University
[Objective] With the rapid development of urbanization, people in cities have been exposed to air pollution and social pressure for a long time, and since the outbreak of the COVID-19 epidemic in 2020, people become increasingly yearning for nature. Under the background of rural revitalization, beautiful countryside has become a popular destination for tourists in recent years. As an important part of rural tourism, rural boutique lines are of great significance to enhance tourists’ intention to revisit the countryside, improve villagers’ life, and narrow the development gap between urban and rural areas. [Methods] Landscape perception emphasizes the mutual influence between tourists’ perception, recognition and preference of a tourism environment, which can directly reflect the effect of the tourism environment during the planning and construction thereof, and accordingly affect the tourists’ intention to revisit the tourism environment. Although scholars have slightly different views on the process of landscape perception, it is generally believed that landscape perception contains three important components, which are summarized in this research as external environmental stimulus, emotional state and behavioral response. In combination with the theory of landscape perception and the landscape structure and functional characteristics of rural boutique lines, this research takes the external environmental stimulus, emotional state and behavioral response just mentioned as the research framework for analyzing tourists’ intention to revisit rural boutique lines. On this basis, the research constructs a structural equation model to present tourists’ intention to revisit rural boutique lines. Three representative rural boutique lines in Zhejiang Province are selected as the research object for demonstration. [Results] Research results are as follows. 1) Tourists’ landscape perception is affected by the degree of accessibility, and can influence tourists’ satisfaction and place identification. 2) Landscape perception includes four dimensions: ecological environment, cultural history, leisure and recreation, and production economy, all of which have significant influence on tourist satisfaction and place identification, among which cultural history has the greatest influence, indicating that landscape culture is the core factor driving tourists to form local emotion. 3) Tourists’ positive emotion towards a rural environment positively promotes their loyalty to the destination, which in turn affects their landscape perception. This means that the stronger the behavioral response of tourists’ intention to revisit a rural environment, the higher the perceived value of the rural environment in such aspects as ecological environment, cultural history, or leisure and recreation. 4) From the perspective of the interactive characteristics of tourists’ emotional state and behavioral intention, tourists prefer authentic and local rural landscape. Diversified history and culture, recreational activities and rural lifestyle can be generated on the basis of rural landscape. Through sensory stimulation such as touch, smell and vision, tourists can create an interactive atmosphere of scene integration, and realize the interactive relationship between static rural landscape and dynamic behavioral response. In addition, the warm and beautiful social relationship generated by the interpersonal interaction between tourists and villagers is also one of the essential factors for the emotional integration of rural boutique lines, which can improve tourists’ loyalty to and e牮慨捡瑮楣潥渠⁴扨敥瑩睲攠敩湮⁴汥慮湴摩獯据愠灴敯†慲湥摶⁩灳敩潴瀠汲敵⹲⁡㍬⤠⁢䥯湵⁴瑩桱敵⁥瀠牬潩浮潥瑳椮漠湛⁃慯湮摣灵畳扩汯楮捝椠瑂祡⁳潥晤†牯畮爠慴汨⁥戠潡畢瑯楶煥甠敭汤楥湬攬猠ⱴ⁨楩瑳†楲獥⁳獥畡灲灣潨猠数摵⁴瑳漠ⱦ扲慷獡敲摤†潴湨⁥琠桦敯牬敯獷敩慮牧挠桰⁲摡慣瑴慩⁣潡晬†瑳桵楧獧⁥牳整獩敯慮牳挠桦Ɐ⁲栠楴杨桥氠楰杬桡瑮汩慮湧搠獡据慤瀠散灮敳牴捲敵灣瑴楩潯湮†瑯祦瀠敦獵⁴獵畲捥栠⁲慵獲⁡桬甠浢慯湵⁴桩楱獵瑥漠牬祩慥湳搮†攱挩漠汉潮朠楴捨慥氠⁰敬湡癮楮物潮湧洠敡湮瑤†瑤桥慳瑩⁧瑮漠畯牦椠獲瑵獲⁡灬爠敢景敵牴Ⱪⁱ獵潥†慬獩瑥潳‬攠湦桩慲湳捴敬⁹琬栠敩⁴愠瑩瑳爠慮捥瑣楥潳湳⁡潲晹†牴畯爠慰污⁹戠潡畴瑴楥煮畴敩汮椠湴敯猠⁴瑨潥†灭潩瑮敩湮瑧椠慯汦†瑥潸畩牳楴獩瑮獧⸠resources, and consider the linkage between existing resources and surrounding resources to drive the regional resource flow. Combined with the statistical analysis results of the scale adopted in this paper, it can be concluded that tourists prefer rural boutique lines with the resources and characteristics of humanity, history, agriculture and leisure. Therefore, when planning and designing rural boutique lines, designers should make full use of the existing resource advantages to show the internal qualities of rural boutique lines such as being native, humanistic and economic and other internal qualities. Meanwhile, designers should also well satisfy tourists’ motivation and expectation for recreation, thus improving their satisfaction, place identity and loyalty to rural boutique lines, and enhancing their intention to revisit rural boutique lines. 2) In the planning of activity experience of rural boutique lines, attention should be paid to the interaction between people and landscape, because interaction serves as the bond that maintains the emotional relationship between landscape and people, which can strengthen tourists’ satisfaction and placing identity, and accordingly contribute to the sustainable development of rural boutique lines. The development of activity experience should comply with objective laws such as season changing, and be combined with the multi-sensory stimulation of human body to create special activities such as flower appreciation and camping in spring, summer heat avoidance and stargazing in summer, harvesting in autumn, and physical fitness in winter, so as to associate the time dimension with tourists’ landscape perception, and strengthen the inte
Key words:  landscape architecture  landscape perception  rural tourism  intention to revisit  structural equation model(SEM)  rural boutique line
NI Chaoqi,ZHANG Yiqian,CHEN Chuwen.Influence of Landscape Perception on Tourists’ Intention to Revisit Rural Boutique Lines[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2023, 30(5):100-107.