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魏方, 徐静, 樊懋, 蒋思嘉
【目的】在可持续更新背景下,腾退的工业用地在城市绿地及公共空间开发中具有巨大潜力。后工业景观的空间结构特征具有极强的独特性,原工业用地中的工业遗存与设计置入的新要素,其构成组合与布局方式对景观视觉质量和公众感知均有重要影响。其中连贯性和易读性作为景观偏好的重要感知维度,表现为物质空间中后工业景观要素的和谐程度、可识别性与视觉引导性。建立连贯性、易读性与公众感知的关联,对评判后工业景观是否可持续有重要意义。 【方法】选取21个上海杨浦滨江公共空间的改造场景,进行眼动实验与问卷调查,基于连贯性与易读性感知的调研结果进行场景的聚类分析,进而明确不同景观要素、视觉关注与感知偏好三者之间的关联机制。【结果】结果表明,植物主导型、遗存主导型和活动空间主导型3类场景对公众的连贯性和易读性感知作用具有差异性;整体来说,对标志性工业遗存构筑物的注视兴趣与易读性感知正相关,与连贯性感知呈负相关,而对铺装的首次注视时间与易读性正相关;针对植物主导型的场景,公众对自然要素的首次注视时间与易读性呈负相关,对新置设施的首次注视时间和连贯性呈正相关;在遗存主导型景观中,对自然要素的注视持续时间与易读性呈正相关,而对水体的注视状态会对连贯性感知结果产生较大影响;在活动空间主导型的场景中,对工业标志物的视觉关注对易读性感知的产生起到重要作用。【结论】基于视觉关注建立其与连贯性和易读性感知的关联方式,研究后工业场景中新旧要素对公众感知产生的不同影响,可以为如何可持续利用现有资源优化后工业景观空间布局、合理保护工业历史风貌提供借鉴。
关键词:  景观感知  后工业景观  连贯性  易读性  工业遗存  眼动实验
基金项目:国家自然科学基金青年项目“基于复写理论的后工业景观重构方法及场所认知关联机制研究”(编号 51908035);北京市社会科学基金青年项目“基于公共价值提升的北京工业遗存分级保护与景观重构利用研究”(编号 19YTC040);教育部产学合作协同育人项目“津发科技-工效学会‘人因与工效学’”(编号 202101042010);北京林业大学“国家级大学生创新创业行动计划”(编号 202110022027)
Research on the Perceived Coherence and Legibility of Post-Industrial Landscape in the Context of Sustainable Renewal
WEI Fang, XU Jing, FAN Mao, JIANG Sijia
Beijing Forestry University
[Objective] In the context of sustainable renewal, vacated industrial land has great potential for the development of urban green spaces and public spaces. The spatial structure of post-industrial landscape is highly unique, and the composition and layout of industrial heritage and new design elements have a significant influence on the visual quality and public perception of landscape. Coherence and legibility are important perceptual dimensions of landscape preference, and are expressed in the degree of harmony, recognisability and visual orientation of post-industrial landscape elements in physical spaces. Establishing the correlation between coherence, legibility and public perception is important for judging the sustainability of post-industrial landscape. [Methods] This research selects 21 renovation scenes of Yangpu riverside public space in Shanghai for an eye-movement experiment and questionnaire survey, and conducts a cluster analysis of the scenes selected based on the findings of coherence and legibility perceptions, so as to clarify the correlation mechanisms between different landscape elements, visual attention and perceptual preferences. [Results] The results show that the three types of scenes respectively dominated by plants, industrial remains and open spaces have different effects on the public’s perceptions of coherence and legibility. Overall, coherence is positively correlated with the total edge density (ED) value of scene images themselves, and negatively correlated with the proportion of iconic industrial remains and the proportion of water bodies. Legibility is only correlated with the proportion of industrial remains. In the sub-category of legibility, the iconic industrial remains are positively correlated with the “iconicity” and “directionality” of scenes. The high area proportion of paving has a positive effect on the discrimination of “scene directionality”, while the high area proportion of shrub and herbaceous plants is negatively correlated with the sense of scene direction. In scenes dominated by plants, legibility increases with the increase of industrial remains. The increase of natural elements, especially trees, significantly affects the judgment of “scene directionality” and reduces the legibility. In scenes dominated by industrial remains, the proportion of water bodies is negatively correlated with “landscape hierarchy” and legibility, especially the former. Meanwhile, a higher proportion of shrub and herbaceous plants is positively correlated with “scene iconicity”, while the proportion of trees is negatively correlated with “landscape repetitiveness”. A large number of industrial remains, especially heterogeneous industrial remains, are not in harmony with the environment, which may increase“landscape complexity” and interfere with the judgment of “scene direction”. Compared with other scenes, the scenes dominated by open spaces are more coherent and legible, as there are relatively few landscape elements, and industrial remains such as buildings and chimneys are highly differentiated from natural elements, making it easier to judge “landscape directionality” and structure. Meanwhile, in terms of visual attention, overall, the interest in fixing iconic industrial remains and structures is positively correlated with the perception of legibility and negatively correlated with the perception of coherence, while the first fixation time of paving is positively correlated with legibility. In scenes dominated by plants, the first fixation time of natural elements is negatively correlated with legibility, while the first fixation time of newly installed facilities is positively correlated with coherence. In scenes dominated by industrial remains, the fixation duration time of natural elements is positively correlated with legibility, while the state of fixation on water bodies has a greater impact on the perceived state of coherence. In scenes dominated by open spaces, 敶獩⁳慵湡摬†灡慴瑴桥獮⹴⁩on to iconic industrial remains plays an important role in the perception of legibility. It can be seen from the comparison of the three types of scenes that, in scenes dominated by plants, people are more likely to fix their eyes on artificial elements, while too much attention to plant elements may reduce the ability to judge the direction of scenes. In scenes dominated by industrial remains, people are more likely to quickly fix their eyes on industrial remains such as chimneys and fix them for a long time, and the guidance of sight by paving and plants can also help judge direction. [Conclusion] Based on visual attention, this research establishes how visual attention relates to the perception of coherence and legibility, and explores the different perceptual effects of old and new elements on the public in post-industrial scenes. From the perspective of enhancing the coherence and legibility of the post-industrial landscape, the research endeavors to discuss how to optimize the spatial layout of industrial heritage, natural elements and new design elements. By analyzing how to improve the environmental coherence of the post-industrial landscape, it is possible to better integrate the preservation of historical heritage with the placement of recreational functions. The research provides a reference for the sustainable use of existing resources to optimize the spatial layout of the post-industrial landscape and to reasonably protect the historical industrial landscape. Research results indicate that the sense of spatial hierarchy and the coherence and legibility of scenes can be improved by incorporating an appropriate proportion of plant elements, ensuring adequate identification of industrial remains, and using plant elements to emphasize the structure of the remains. Additionally, the overall coherence and legibility of scenes can be further enhanced by increasing the proportion of paving and water bodies, improving the quality of water bodies, and emphasizing landscape elements such as landmarks, nod
Key words:  landscape perception  post-industrial landscape  coherence  legibility  industrial remains  eye-movement experiment
WEI Fang,XU Jing,FAN Mao,JIANG Sijia.Research on the Perceived Coherence and Legibility of Post-Industrial Landscape in the Context of Sustainable Renewal[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2023, 30(6):27-34.