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洪婷婷, 赖志朋, 黄晓辉, 郑媛
【目的】传统村落集中连片整治能最大限度地保证传统文化的完整性。为了探寻传统村落保护的有效途径,应以集群的思想指导传统村落的良性发展。【方法】以福建省漳州市传统村落为例,结合当地地理文化特征,选取空间邻近、地貌相似、文化趋同、民居同构4个要素,应用ArcGIS Pro空间统计分析工具,对113个传统村落进行单要素聚类和集群识别与分析,划定集群区域。【结果】漳州市传统村落均显示出较为明显的聚类特征,并可识别出全要素集群三大类共31个村,特色要素集群七大类44个村和潜力集群38个村。【结论】传统村落集群识别能够高效地对量大面广的传统村落进行聚类;传统村落集群保护能够跳脱出村落单体保护产生的不可预见的文化破坏和流失,从整体的角度对传统村落资源进行统筹,有利于传统村落文化资源的保护和传承。
关键词:  传统村落  连片整治  聚类  集群  保护策略  漳州市
基金项目:中国工程科技发展战略咨询研究项目“福建省特色村镇潜力评估与人居环境更新技术集成研究”(编号 2021-FJ-XY-6)
Identification and Protection of Traditional Village Cluster Based on Clustering Analysis: A Case Study of Zhangzhou City
HONG Tingting, LAI Zhipeng, HUANG Xiaohui, ZHENG Yuan
Fuzhou University
[Objective] The protection and development of traditional villages are transitioning from the protection of individual villages to centralized and contiguous regional cooperation. Starting from 2020, the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development have issued a series of notices on organizing the demonstration of centralized protection and utilization of traditional villages, emphasizing the importance of implementing centralized protection and utilization at the county level and exploring models for such protection and utilization. However, it is quite challenging to achieve the contiguous and cohesive protection and development of traditional villages. This research aims to overcome the limitations of previous individual-focused researches on the protection of traditional villages, and explores methods for identifying traditional village clusters. Furthermore, the research seeks to propose strategies for the protection and development of traditional village clusters. [Methods] Based on literature review and theoretical research, the research finds that the concept of “cluster” can address the issue of centralized contiguity, and thus focuses on studying clusters and related theories. In combination with the regional characteristics of Zhangzhou City, Fujian Province, the research further enhances and optimizes the definition and scope of traditional village clusters. The research clusters traditional villages from the following four dimensions: spatial proximity, geomorphic similarity, cultural convergence, and residential type. Firstly, historical materials and field investigations are used to examine the spatial and temporal distribution patterns and motivations of traditional villages in Zhangzhou City. Secondly, a cluster identification index system, specific to Zhangzhou City, is constructed using ArcGIS Pro spatial statistics and cluster analysis. This system can help identify traditional village clusters in Zhangzhou City and analyze their characteristics. Lastly, based on field investigations, interviews and the initial findings of cluster analysis, the research proposes relevant protection strategies for traditional villages in Zhangzhou City. These strategies consider factors such as local social and regional environment, natural environment and infrastructure, as well as the characteristics of various clusters. [Results] The research has three main findings. 1) Single-element cluster identification results indicate that spatial proximity clusters present a “singleminded, multi-point” distribution pattern. Clusters of traditional villages with similar landforms are mainly found in the plain and river valley areas. Traditional villages with cultural convergence tend to gather around three cultural carriers: post roads, shipping routes, and towns. The isomorphic clustering of residential types suggests a strong relationship between the distribution of residential houses and local terrain. 2) The traditional village clusters in Zhangzhou City can be summarized into three categories: all-factor clusters, characteristic clusters, and potential clusters, comprising a total of 19 sub-cluster units. The all-factor clusters can be further divided into shipping clusters, post road clusters, earth building clusters, and trade clusters, encompassing 25 traditional villages. The characteristic clusters can be categorized as residential-oriented, culturaloriented, and spatial-oriented, involving 44 traditional villages. The potential clusters are scattered in space and comprise a total of 38 traditional villages. 3) For the three types of clusters, the following protection strategies are respectively recommended. “ All-factor clusters: overall control and correlation reinforcement; characteristic clusters: characteristic highlighting and narrative improvement; potential clusters: regional synergy and value enhancement.” [Conclusion] The research demonstrates that studying the identification of traditional village clusters can provide objective and reasonable insights into cultural phenomena that cannot be explained by analyzing individual villages alone. Cluster-based protection of traditional villages can help prevent unforeseen cultural destruction and loss that may occur with the isolated protection of individual villages, and can also enable the unified planning of resources within a cluster at an overall level and the comprehensive understanding of the overall status of and development challenges faced by villages in the cluster, thus contributing to the protection and preservation of cultural resources in traditional villages. The ArcGIS Pro spatial statistical analysis method adopted can achieve objective quantification, thus helping address the challenges posed by the wide distribution, large number, and diverse types of traditional villages, as well as the lack of clarity in distinguishing village characteristics and the absence of technology for selecting key areas. The historical data collected can further validate the extent of machine recognition. In summary, this research not only underscores the scientific nature of China’s policies for centralized and contiguous protection of traditional villages, but also provides methodological references and theoretical foundations for the implementation of the aforesaid policies. The research can enrich the theoretical system of research on traditional villages and serve as a valuable resource for the successful implementation of the policies for centralized and contiguous protection of traditional villages in China.
Key words:  traditional village  contiguous renovation  clustering  cluster  protection path  Zhangzhou City
HONG Tingting,LAI Zhipeng,HUANG Xiaohui,ZHENG Yuan.Identification and Protection of Traditional Village Cluster Based on Clustering Analysis: A Case Study of Zhangzhou City[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2023, 30(9):121-129.