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罗永梅, 靳彤
【目的】自2019年中央提出《关于建立以国家公园为主体的自然保护地体系的指导意见》以来,中国自然保护地体系建设已经进入了规范化和精细化管理阶段。如何制定科学合理的规划,应用适应性管理思维开展动态管理,是当下亟待解决的关键问题。【方法/过程】自然保护适应性规划法(conservation action planning, CAP)作为适用于自然保护领域的适应性管理工具,为应对自然保护地管理的复杂性和不确定性提供了有效的解决方案。以《何王庙长江江豚自然保护区与集成长江故道江豚自然保护区保护管理计划(2020—2022)》的编制为例,梳理CAP方法应用于保护区管理计划编制的过程和成果。【结果/结论】验证了CAP方法应用于中国自然保护区管理计划编制中的可行性,并为保护区的适应性管理打下基础。
关键词:  自然保护区  适应性管理  管理计划  自然保护适应性规划法(CAP)  长江江豚
Application of Conservation Action Planning in the Preparation of Management Plan for Yangtze Finless Porpoise Nature Reserve
LUO Yongmei, JIN Tong
The Nature Conservancy
[Objective] Since the General Office of the CPC Central Committee and the General Office of the State Council printed and distributed the Guidance on the Establishment of Natural Protected Area System with National Park as the Main Body in 2019, the construction of China’s natural protected areas system has entered the stage of standardization and refined management. At present, it is urgent to figure out how to develop scientific and reasonable planning, and how to conduct dynamic management by virtue of the adaptive management thinking. [Methods/process] As an adaptive management tool applicable to the field of natural and ecological conservation, the conservation action planning (CAP) provides an effective solution to cope with the complexity and uncertainty of protected area management. Taking the Management Plan for Hewangmiao Yangtze Finless Porpoise Nature Reserve and Jicheng Yangtze Oxbow Finless Porpoise Nature Reserve( 2020−2022) as an example, this research summarizes the process and results of applying the CAP method in the preparation of nature reserve management plans. [Results/conclusion] This research proves the feasibility of applying the CAP method in the preparation of management plans for nature reserves in China, and lays the foundation for adaptive management of nature reserves.
Key words:  nature reserve  adaptive management  management plan  conversation action planning (CAP)  Yangtze finless porpoise
LUO Yongmei,JIN Tong.Application of Conservation Action Planning in the Preparation of Management Plan for Yangtze Finless Porpoise Nature Reserve[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2023, 30(10):57-62.