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王云才, 申佳可, 象伟宁
什么是好的景观空间?长期以来风景园林无法回答该问题,其原因是景观空间不仅缺乏普适性的评价体系,而且景观空间绩效评价又缺乏稳定的价值导向 和针对性。这些问题成为困扰风景园林空间评价的关键问题。风景园林学是一门循证的学科,系统化且可量化的景观绩效为风景园林规划设计的循证研究提供了 定量评价的方法和工具。然而,目前存在的相关评价体系无法适用于多尺度和多功能特性的景观空间绩效评价。本研究认为景观空间绩效的评价需要一个稳定的 参照系,景观空间的生态系统服务成为景观绩效评价的重要体现。本文以生态系统服务理论为依据,利用景观空间多尺度特征、多功能特性和可度量性作为景观 空间及其绩效评价间的桥梁。根据生态系统服务类型将景观空间绩效分为环境生态绩效、经济生产绩效和人文文化绩效 3 类,从而建立 3 大类型 12 项评价准则和 具有针对性和可操作性的 33 项绩效指标的景观空间综合绩效评价指标体系。
关键词:  风景园林  景观空间  绩效评价  生态系统服务  景观服务  评价体系
基金项目:国家自然科学基金“传统文化景观空间图式语言及其形成机理—以沪宁杭地区为例”( 编号 51278346)
The Framework of Landscape Space Performance Evaluation with the Orientation of Eco-system Service
WANG Yun-cai, SHEN Jia-ke, XIANG Wei-ning
Tongji University
What kind of landscape space is good or better? For a long time it cann't be answered by landscape architecture, the reason is not only the lacking of general evaluation system , but also the lacking of stable value orientation and specification of landscape space performance. The question which puzzled landscape space performance has been a key point in landscape architecture. Landscape architecture is an evidence-based discipline and the systematic and quantifiable landscape performance can provide a quantitative method and instrument for evidence-based research of landscape planning and design. However the relative assessing system now we using cann't satisfy the performance evaluation of landscape space which with multi-scales and multi-functions. This research thinks that a stable reference system is necessary for the performance evaluation of landscape space which ecological system service is very important character to operate. Based on the theory of ecological system service and bridging it to landscape scape with the characteristics of multi-scales, multi-functions and measurability, this paper build a framework composing of ecological, economic and cultural performances, which includes 12 evaluation criteria and 33 evaluation indicators.
Key words:  landscape architecture  landscape space  performance assessment  ecological system service  landscape service  evaluation framework
WANG Yun-cai,SHEN Jia-ke,XIANG Wei-ning.The Framework of Landscape Space Performance Evaluation with the Orientation of Eco-system Service[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2017, 24(1):35-44.