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颜文涛, 黄欣, 邹锦
土地利用变化通过影响生态格局和过程,改变生态系统服务能力并深刻影响人类的福祉。通过探讨城乡土地利用与生态系统服务的相互关系,从结合生态系统服务识别与量化的规划分析、融入生态系统服务权衡与协同的规划内容、关联社会网络的公众参与机制、提升生态系统服务的土地管制政策 4 个方面,尝试构建引入生态系统服务的城乡土地利用规划概念框架。通过将生态服务功能与不同尺度的城乡土地利用规划内容相结合,提出生态系统服务与传统城乡土地利用规划的融合途径。
关键词:  风景园林  生态系统服务  土地利用规划  识别与量化  权衡与协同  规划融合
Ecosystem Services Integrated Urban and Rural Land Use Planning:Conceptual Framework and Practical Approach
YAN Wen-tao, HUANG Xin, ZOU Jin
Tongji University
By adjusting the ecological pattern and process, there are significant impacts of land use change on ecosystem services, which may result in profound influence on human well-being. Faced with the ignorance of trade-off between supply and demand of ecosystem service, we have attempted to incorporate ecosystem services into legal planning system, in four aspects of land-use planning analysis combined with recognition and quantification of ecosystem services, land-use planning process integrated with the trade-offs and synergies of ecosystem service, public participation mechanism associated with social network, effective implementation guidance of planning policy, after discussing about the interaction between ecosystem services and land-use planning. Lastly, we propose practical approaches in different scales through incorporation of ecosystem services and traditional planning
Key words:  landscape architecture  ecosystem services  land-use planning  recognition and quantification  trade-offs and synergies  planning integration
YAN Wen-tao,HUANG Xin,ZOU Jin.Ecosystem Services Integrated Urban and Rural Land Use Planning:Conceptual Framework and Practical Approach[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2017, 24(1):45-51.