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王敏1, 叶沁妍1, ( 德 ) 托马斯·赫尔德2
研究以行为主体的介入和互动为切入点,关注城市水系空间发展演变过程中的非技术因素和社会过程。文章首先审视城市水系空间管理的国际经验;之后 选取德国埃姆舍河作为典型实证案例,回顾埃姆舍河 100 多年来的景观生态发展演变,着重分析水系空间规划和发展演变过程中不同行为主体的角色转换和发展 特征,探讨其对于埃姆舍河生态服务优化的影响机制、影响趋势和影响模式;最后基于埃姆舍河的实践经验,探讨行为主体的内在行动与水系空间生态服务优化 之间的内在关联。
关键词:  行为主体  水系空间管理  生态服务  非技术因素  埃姆舍河
基金项目:上海市浦江人才计划 ( 编号 15PJC092)“基于 GIS 生态服务评价模型的上海苏州河沿岸空间形态优化策略”
Riparian Zones Management with Effective Eco-services Provision under the Interaction of Stakeholders: A Case Study of the Emscher River in Germany
WANG Min1, YE Qin-yan1, (Germany)Thomas HELD2
1.Tongji University;2.Ruhr University
Starting from the involvement and interaction of stakeholders, this research focuses on non-technological factors and social process on the procedure of urban riparian area development. After summarizing the international experience on urban riparian area management, the paper reviews the ecological landscape development of the Emscher River, a typical empirical case, in the past more than 100 years, analyzing role shifting and developmental features of diverse stakeholders on the procedures of riparian planning and transformation, as well as discussing the impact motivations, trends and modes on promoting the ecosystem service of the Emscher River. In the last section, the research explores the internal relations between intrinsic actions of stakeholders and riparian ecosystem service promotion based on the practical experience of the Emscher River.
Key words:  stakeholders  riparian zone management  ecosystem service  non-technological factor  Emscher River
引用本文:王敏,叶沁妍,( 德 ) 托马斯·赫尔德.行为主体互动下的水系空间管理与生态服务优化:基于德国埃姆舍河发展演变的实证研究[J].风景园林,2017,24(1):52-59.
WANG Min,YE Qin-yan,(Germany)Thomas HELD.Riparian Zones Management with Effective Eco-services Provision under the Interaction of Stakeholders: A Case Study of the Emscher River in Germany[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2017, 24(1):52-59.