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任维, 吴丹子, 王向荣
三峡库区消落带是我国最重要的人工消落带,垂直落差达 30m,其生态保护、科学利用与健康发展一直是一个世界性难题,关系着上游诸多库区城镇人居环境的健康发展。基于风景园林学的综合视角,以重庆市云阳县城市区域消落带为研究对象,梳理与归纳其特征为周期性、层级性、多样性、脆弱性;构成为自然草地、农田、自然林地、硬质堤岸、码头、荒地、公园绿地、临时性建筑;功能为生态功能、社会功能;问题为生态环境恶化、江城景观割裂。在此基础上,探索提出其景观规划的内涵与原则,并着重从土地利用模式与植物景观营造两方面开展其景观规划策略的探索性研究。以期为云阳县及其他三峡库区城镇城市区域消落带景观规划构建研究框架,也为其他区域的消落带人居环境建设开拓思路。
关键词:  风景园林  景观规划策略  城市区域消落带  三峡库区
基金项目:中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金“城市渠化河道的近自然化策略体系研究”( 编号 BLX2015-29);北京市共建项目专项资助“城乡生态环境北京实验室”
Research on the Landscape Planning Strategies of Urban Water-Level-Fluctuation Zone in the Three Gorges Reservoir—Case Study of Yunyang County of Chongqing
REN Wei, WU Dan-zi, WANG Xiang-rong
Beijing Forestry University
Water-level-fluctuation zone in the Three Gorges Reservoir is the most important artificial fluctuating zone in China, with a vertical drop of 30m. It has been a worldwide problem that how to protect it ecologically, utilize it scientifically and develop it healthily. That matters the living environment of most cities in the Three Gorges Reservoir Region. In the perspective of landscape architecture, taking the urban water-level-fluctuation zone of Yunyang as a case, the study attempt to put forward the connotation and principles of its landscape planning on the basis of analysing and summarizing its characteristics (periodicity, verticality, diversity, vulnerability), contents(natural grassland, farmland, natural woodland, hardened bank, wharf, wasteland, parkland, temporary building), function(ecological function, social function) and problems(ecological environmental deterioration, river-city landscape segmentation). Emphatically exploring two aspects of land use pattern and plant landscape construction to study its landscape planning strategies, the paper is expected to construct the research framework of urban water-level-fluctuation zone landscape planning in Yunyang and other cities in Three Gorges Reservoir Region. It may also provide valuable enlightenment for living environment construction of water-level-fluctuation zone in other regions.
Key words:  landscape architecture  landscape planning strategies  urban water-level-fluctuation zone  three gorges reservoir
REN Wei,WU Dan-zi,WANG Xiang-rong.Research on the Landscape Planning Strategies of Urban Water-Level-Fluctuation Zone in the Three Gorges Reservoir—Case Study of Yunyang County of Chongqing[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2017, 24(2):91-100.