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张炜1, ( 美 ) 杰克 • 艾亨2, 刘晓明1
城市绿色基础设施提供着雨洪管理、空气净化、气候调节、能耗节约、提供生态栖息地以及文化功能等重要的生态系统服务。近年来,在美国国家环保局、美国风景园林基金会等相关组织机构的倡导下,生态系统服务监测和评估被结合到城市绿色基础设施的规划建设之中。本文分析了城市绿色基础设施生态系统服务的研究进展和评估方法,并归纳了现今美国生态系统服务评估在绿色基础设施建设中的应用方式,包括为政策制定提供量化依据、为项目认证提供评价标准、以及为项目建设提供收益分析 3 种类型。最后,本文探讨了对我国绿色基础设施建设的相关启发,包括加强城市绿色基础设施生态系统服务研究和实践的结合,重视城市绿色基础设施生态系统服务的整体性和协同性,以及完善基于生态系统服务的城市绿色基础设施绩效监测体系 3 个方面。
关键词:  风景园林  生态系统服务  绿色基础设施  雨洪管理
A Review of the Application of Ecosystem Service Valuation in Urban Green Infrastructure Development of United States
ZHANG Wei1, (USA)Jack Ahern2, LIU Xiao-ming1
1.Beijing Forestry University;2.University of Massachusetts, Amherst
Urban green infrastructure (GI) can provide important ecosystem services including stormwater management, energy saving, air quality improvement, climate regulation, habitat provision and cultural services. In recent years, US Environment Protection Agency, Landscape Architecture Foundation and other institutions are promoting the integration of ecosystem services valuation in urban green infrastructure development. This article analyzed the current valuation principles and methods of urban green infrastructure ecosystem services and then summarized the application of ecosystem services valuation in green infrastructure development to establish quantified policy, performance-based rating system and cost-benefit analysis for urban development. Finally, this article discussed the lessons learned which can be applied to green infrastructure development in China by enhancing the connection between theory and practice of urban green infrastructure; taking the integrity and collaboration of the GI ecosystem services in to account and improving performance-based urban GI ecosystem service evaluation and monitoring system.
Key words:  landscape architecture  ecosystem services  green infrastructure  stormwater management
引用本文:张炜,( 美 ) 杰克 • 艾亨,刘晓明.生态系统服务评估在美国城市绿色基础设施建设中的应用进展评述[J].风景园林,2017,24(2):101-108.
ZHANG Wei,(USA)Jack Ahern,LIU Xiao-ming.A Review of the Application of Ecosystem Service Valuation in Urban Green Infrastructure Development of United States[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2017, 24(2):101-108.