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庞李颖强1, 张宝鑫2, 周曦1
在对谐趣园历史变迁进行分析的基础上,对其前身惠山园与写仿对象寄畅园从基址环境、建筑构景、园林氛围、植物景观 4 个方面进行了比较,每个历史阶段所对应的园林在其空间布局、功能实现以及园林氛围方面均达到了园主的造园意旨,但谐趣园对寄畅园的写仿确实存在“形似神不似”的生硬痕迹。因此,对谐趣园的评价,应当以历史的、发展的眼光,承认园林变迁与园主更迭、历史发展的莫大关系。但也不能止步于对园史脉络的梳理,还是要回归园林艺术的角度,同其摹仿蓝本寄畅园进行造园手法上的对比,分析其“写”与“创”。
关键词:  风景园林  谐趣园  惠山园  寄畅园  园林写仿
基金项目:北京市科技计划课题:中国古典皇家园林艺术特征可视化系统研发 ( 编号 Z151100003215045)
Dialectical Evaluation of Art Characteristics of Classical Imperial Garden —Taking Xiequ Garden as An Example
PANG Li-ying-qiang1, ZHANG Bao-xin2, ZHOU Xi1
1.Beijing Forestry University;2.the Museum of Chinese Gardens
Based on researching the historic changes of the Xiequ Garden, the paper made comparison between the Huishan Garden and the Jichang Garden through four aspects which are site selection, landscape buildings, garden atmosphere and plants landscape. Through the above analysis, the paper came to the conclusion that the Xiequ Garden on every corresponding timescale was constructed by every garden owner's intention, but its imitation to the Jichang Garden became formalistic unavoidably. Consequently, evaluating the Xiequ Garden should be viewed with a historical and developing eye. Based on it, we should acknowledge that the different garden owners and historical development have a huge impact on the garden itself. Besides that, we also need to analyze the Xiequ Garden from the viewpoints of landscape design by comparing it with its blueprint—Jichang Garden.
Key words:  landscape architecture  Xiequ Garden  Huishan Garden  Jichang Garden  garden imitation
PANG Li-ying-qiang,ZHANG Bao-xin,ZHOU Xi.Dialectical Evaluation of Art Characteristics of Classical Imperial Garden —Taking Xiequ Garden as An Example[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2017, 24(2):123-128.