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喻梦哲1, 林溪2
关键词:  风景园林  古典园林  精细化测量  池山轮廓  三维激光扫描  近景摄影测量
基金项目:陕西省教育厅专项科研计划“三维激光扫描技术在中国古典园林信息采集中的应用研究”成果 ( 项目号 6040500928)
Study on the Surveying Methods Based upon the 3D Laser Scanning and Close-range Photogrammetry Techniques of the Rockery and Pond in the Classical Chinese Gardens
YU Meng-zhe1, LIN Xi2
1.Southeast University;2.Xi’an University of Architecture and Technology
As the main part of a classical Chinese garden, the rockery and pond's profile could hardly been accurately measured and clearly expressed. This paper takes the rockery of Huanxiu Villa and Couples retreat Garden as example to discuss the new measuring methods such as 3D laser scanning and closerange photogrammetry's feasibility in surveying works all around the classical gardens, hence makes a comparison between the traditional manual methods and intelligentized methods mentioned above, which draws a conclusion that the latter has a thorough advantage. It also discusses on the operational approach of information acquisition and drawing expression based upon such techniques. Eventually, the paper points out the applicability of the new surveying techniques in data acquisition and academic research.
Key words:  landscape architecture  classical Chinese gareden  delicacy surveying and measuring  the profile of rockery and pond  3D laser scanning  close-range photogrammetry
YU Meng-zhe,LIN Xi.Study on the Surveying Methods Based upon the 3D Laser Scanning and Close-range Photogrammetry Techniques of the Rockery and Pond in the Classical Chinese Gardens[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2017, 24(2):117-122.