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刘京一, 张梦晗, 林箐
关键词:  风景园林  绿色基础设施  绿色和蓝色框架  景观规划  巴黎  生物多样性
Approaches of Green Infrastructure Constitution in the Urban Planning System of Paris and its Enlightenment
LIU Jing-yi, ZHANG Meng-han, LIN Qing
Beijing Forestry University
In more than a decade, France has seen a profound revolution in urban planning system. The concepts relating green infrastructure are obliged to integrated in planning projects. As one of the densest cities in Europe, Paris faces extraordinary difficulties in creating green infrastructure, Thereby, it provides us with great reference significance. In the constitution of green infrastructure, existing and potential resources of green spaces are fully exploited. Other than traditional forms, new forms of plantation are explored including plantation integrating with transport infrastructure and buildings. Faced with contemporary urban problems, Paris has also attached great importance to the functions of green infrastructure in promoting biodiversity, regulating climate and coordinating diversified uses. Finally, the revelation in planning methodology, network constitution and cooperation with policies and other plans are discussed.
Key words:  landscape architecture  green infrastructure  trame verte et bleue  landscape planning  Paris  biodiversity
LIU Jing-yi,ZHANG Meng-han,LIN Qing.Approaches of Green Infrastructure Constitution in the Urban Planning System of Paris and its Enlightenment[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2017, 24(3):79-88.