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章莉, 詹庆明, 欧阳婉璐
关键词:  风景园林  通风  GIS  风道规划  夏季  风环境
基金项目:国家自然科学基金《基于GIS 和RS 通风潜力分析的城市风道规划支持方法研究》(编号:51378399);中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金《基于城市自然通风的绿地规划研究》(编号:2014209020201)
GIS Based Summer Wind Environment Analysis In Wuhan
ZHANG Li, ZHAN Qing-ming, OUYANG Wan-lu
Wuhan University
Wuhan is a city with hot summer and cold winter. Air path planning has been done to mitigate hot summer in Wuhan since 2012. Based on the data of 27 meteorological stations in the urban development area of Wuhan, this paper analyzed the wind speed and direction of Wuhan city for many years using the software ARCGIS10.0 and Origin8.0. The study found that the wind speed was much smaller in the central area for the bigger surface roughness. The wind speed differences between the central and suburban areas is widening with the intensive development in the central area. Wind direction is not consistent with the prevailing direction because of the effect of the nearby lake and Yangtze River. The study also showed that the impact of wind speed is very complicated for the complexity of the underlying surface of the city central area. It was inadequate to only analysis the relation between wind speed and urban uniform.
Key words:  landscape architecture  ventilation  GIS  wind path planning  summer  wind environment
ZHANG Li,ZHAN Qing-ming,OUYANG Wan-lu.GIS Based Summer Wind Environment Analysis In Wuhan[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2017, 24(3):89-97.