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关键词:  风景园林  韧性  适应性  城市社区  生态智慧  生态实践
A Framework of Urban Community Planning and Design Based on the Characteristics of Resilience
SHEN Jia-ke, WANG Yun-cai
Tongji University
Resilience is one of the properties of the ecosystem. However, as the degree of the human intervene growing deeper, the rigidity of the artificial system becomes stronger, and the resilience of the ecological system goes weaker, leading to the decline of the ecosystem service functions. Although resilience has become a topic discussed and concerned primarily by the academia and the industry in this case, the numerous conceptions and fuzzy explanations of it still can’t answer the questions such as: What is the essence of resilience? What are the planning and design pathways to conduct the resilient practices? How to bridge the general resilience and the specific resilience that are in different scales? Inspired by the ecological practical wisdom, this essay firstly combs the development of the urban resilience conception; secondly, analyzes the successful cases of ecological practice; and then proposes that changeability is the root of the ecosystem resilience; finally, taking the urban community as an example, establishes a resilience framework of urban community planning and design centering on adjusting the changeability of the community system, which includes two pathways to achieve resilience: one is to make the community system adapt to the environment conditions on the structural and functional level through planning and design methods, the other is to shape the system to adapt to the changing environment on the operational level with the help of organization and regulation.
Key words:  landscape architecture  resilience  adaptability  urban community  ecological wisdom  ecological practice
SHEN Jia-ke,WANG Yun-cai.A Framework of Urban Community Planning and Design Based on the Characteristics of Resilience[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2017, 24(3):98-106.