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王祝根1, 李晓蕾1, (澳)史蒂芬·J·巴里2
关键词:  国家保护地  国家公园  自然保护区
Review on the Developing Process and the Implication of Australia's National Reserve System
WANG Zhu-gen1, LI Xiao-lei1, (Australia)Stephen J. Barry2
1.Nanjing Tech University;2.a former researcher in Department of Environment and Heritage Protection, Queensland, Australia
Australia National Reserve is a conservation form for Australia's national scale ecology, species and landscape protection and has played a significant role for Australia's distinctive natural resources and bio-diversity conservation. Australia National Reserve System is a crucial support to promote National Reserve's systematic planning development and the process, experience and methodology of the system construction have a positive reference value. In this paper, we subdivided the developing process into five stages and analyzed its background, ideology and strategy. How to build the corresponding system to integrate the relationship between National Nature Reserve, National Park and Scenic Resort is the prerequisite and key issue for our National Park System Construction. Based on this, we summarized the contradictions and the strategy of Australia's National Reserve and National Park system. Combined with the above-mentioned study, we discuss the significance of Australia National Reserve System from four aspects: guideline framework, protection hierarchy, programme participation and supervision system.
Key words:  national reserve  national park  natural reserve
WANG Zhu-gen,LI Xiao-lei,(Australia)Stephen J. Barry.Review on the Developing Process and the Implication of Australia's National Reserve System[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2017, 24(7):57-64.