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张诗阳, 王向荣
关键词:  风景园林  河网水系  宁绍平原  形成  演变  当代实践
The Formation, Evolution and Contemporary Landscape Architecture Practices of he River Network in Ningshao Plain
ZHANG Shi-yang,, WANG Xiang-rong
Beijing Forestry University
The river network landscape of Ningshao Plain is one of the most representative regional Plain in China, it nourishes the dwellers and ensures the prosperity of the region. Based on the study of the formation and evolution of the river network in Ningshao Plain, the process is divided into three stages: small-scale water developments in the natural water environment, construction of river network dominated by lake water conservancy and the formation of the plain water system led by the river network, for further understanding their natural and cultural values in river network landscape. Eventually, various practices of the landscape architecture in the Ningshao Plain is referenced to discuss the present situation and future development of the river network system, in order to provide reference for the persistence of the regional landscape and the maintenance of the landscape diversity of China.
Key words:  landscape architecture  river network  Ningshao Plain  formation  evolution  contemporary practice
ZHANG Shi-yang,,WANG Xiang-rong.The Formation, Evolution and Contemporary Landscape Architecture Practices of he River Network in Ningshao Plain[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2017, 24(7):89-99.