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美)尼尔 · 柯克伍德
从社区层面探讨了40平方英里(约103km2)的塔溪矿区“超基金”污染场地(Superfund Site)的可持续规划设计以及应用策略。位于俄克拉荷马州渥太华县的塔溪矿区的状况表明联邦和州立管理机构在应对该地区长期以来的环境退化、有毒物质侵害以及环境公平问题上并没有取得明显成效。因此,附近的社区邻里、环境部门官员与学术团体积极合作,针对采矿遗留的大规模土堆、污染的河道、沉降的地面和塌陷的坑井等进行了长期的修复、再生和规划的探索。这个案例研究将证明,这种基于地方的矿区更新模式可以作为一个框架将社区诉求、环境整治和景观再生整合到一起。
关键词:  采矿区  后工业景观  超基金  景观改造  废弃地
分类号:TU 986
Toxic Kingdom/Tar Creek Futures —The Case of Picher & Cardin Mining Areas, Ottawa County, Oklahoma, USA
USA) Niall G. Kirkwood
Harvard University
A case study of long-term planning and reclamation of the forty square mile Tar Creek Superfund Site is presented through sustainable planning and design activities and strategies at the community level. Tar Creek in Ottawa County, Oklahoma, a former lead mining area and part of the Tri-State Mining Area represents the failure of federal and state agencies to address decades of environmental degradation, toxic land conditions and environmental justice issues. Local communities and neighborhoods and environmental officers in collaboration with academic research groups have addressed the long-term remediation, planning and regeneration of vast mining soil heaps, polluted waterways and rivers and land subsidence and mineshaft sinkholes. The case study will argue that the local-based transformations of the site act as a framework to unite community desires, environmental cleanup, and landscape regeneration.
Key words:  mining sites  post-industrial landscape  superfund  landscape reclamation  waste land
引用本文:美)尼尔 · 柯克伍德.毒性国度/塔溪矿区的未来——美国俄克拉荷马州渥太华县皮歇尔与卡丁矿区的案例研究[J].风景园林,2017,24(8):14-29.
USA) Niall G. Kirkwood.Toxic Kingdom/Tar Creek Futures —The Case of Picher & Cardin Mining Areas, Ottawa County, Oklahoma, USA[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2017, 24(8):14-29.