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(德)汉斯-约阿希姆·马德尔1, 孔洞一2, 崔庆伟3
关键词:  德国  规划流程  修复技术  社会参与  再利用
分类号:TU 986
Curing the Earth Surface Skin — Theories and Practices of Ecological Restoration and Reclamation of Mining Areas in Germany
(Germany)Hans-Joachim Mader1, KONG Dong-yi2, CUI Qing-wei3
1.the University of Heidelberg;2.Bauhaus University Weimar;3.Beijing Forestry University
In the background of resource crisis and global urbanization process nowadays, the mining lands are just like the scars of earth skin and need careful curing by human beings. As one of the most developed industrial capitalist country in the world, Germany has accumulated rich experience in the field of restoration and regeneration of mining areas, and has made remarkable achievements. This paper introduces some general ideas and operating methods of mining lands’ ecological restoration and reclamation practices in Germany, in hope of providing some references in the managing, planning, designing and engineering practices in China. Based on the main procedure and working content, this paper will introduce the following four aspects: problems assessment& institutional arrangement, legal basis & planning procedure, reclaiming technologies & natural process, social participation & function conversion.
Key words:  Germany  planning procedure  reclamation technology  social participation  reuse
(Germany)Hans-Joachim Mader,KONG Dong-yi,CUI Qing-wei.Curing the Earth Surface Skin — Theories and Practices of Ecological Restoration and Reclamation of Mining Areas in Germany[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2017, 24(8):30-40.