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关键词:  日本现代园林  日式风格  历史文化思潮  园林发展史
分类号:TU 986
Analysis of Japan’s Modern History and Culture Trend and Its Influence on Japanese Modern Landscape Design
LI Yun-yuan
Beijing Forestry University
Japan ended the closed “shogunate rule” since the Meiji restoration, and gradually introduced the western modern industrial technology and ideological culture. Many significant cultural and art cultural thoughts were formed in the process of impact and the fusion, which had a significant impact on Japanese gardening art and the landscape architecture. Based on modern Japan’s major historical events, cultural ideological trend and social activities as the context, this paper paid comparative analysis on the traditional Japanese culture and the western modern design ideas and design methods, tried to sort out the process of Japan to accept, digest and absorb the new art movement, secession, metabolism, decorative art, land art, minimalism, structuralism and postmodernism western ideas, and gradually make it reality and “root” in Japanese history, so that create distinctive “Japanese style” full of national pride; and then generally divided Japanese modern landscape into five phases: imitation, accumulation, integration, innovation and expansion, and carried on the brief introduction of the representatives and works of each phase.
Key words:  Japanese modern landscape  Japanese style  history and cultural trend  the history of landscape architecture
LI Yun-yuan.Analysis of Japan’s Modern History and Culture Trend and Its Influence on Japanese Modern Landscape Design[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2017, 24(8):118-125.