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李雪丹, 林广思
进入人类世之后,人类作用力被认定为一种地质力,人类直接或间接活动所导致的环境变化、物种引入和土地废弃等结果,使生态系统的生物和非生物要素都发生了不可逆转的改变,由此产生了新型生态系统(Novel Ecosystems)。该概念一经提出,在生态保护和生态修复领域引起了广泛关注。本文梳理了Richard Hobbs新型生态系统理论的来龙去脉,包括概念的起源、产生机制及其相关认识等内容。然后介绍了Jack Ahren的新型城市生态系统的理念,即将生态系统服务和危害作为评价工程项目对可持续发展贡献的指标,并引导适应性设计。本研究为风景园林学科在生态修复领域的发展提供指导:1)以恢复到历史状态为目标的传统生态修复方法值得反思;2)我们应承认新型生态系统的存在并调整生态修复的管理方向,将生态系统服务和危害作为生态系统的评价指标,促进跨学科合作,实现可持续发展的共同目标。
关键词:  新型生态系统  生态修复  城市生态  新型城市生态系统  生态系统服务  适应性设计
分类号:TU 986
Theories, Development of Novel Ecosystems: Implications for Landscape Architecture
LI Xue-dan, LIN Guang-s
South China University of Technology
After entering the anthropocene, the human agency has been recognized as a kind of geological force. The abiotic and biotic factors of ecosystem have been changed irreversibly because of environmental changes, introduction of invasive species and land abandonment, caused by deliberate or inadvertent human activities. These changes have generated novel ecosystems. The concept of novel ecosystems has been followed with great interest by experts in the field of ecological conservation and ecosystem restoration. This paper introduced the background of novel ecosystems, which includes the concept, formation mechanism, and other related knowledge. Then we introduced the concept of novel urban ecosystems proposed by Jack Ahren, that is recognizing ecosystem services/disservices as metrics to evaluate the contributions of projects to sustainable development and leading to adaptive design. This can provide guidance for the development of landscape architecture in the field of ecosystem restoration. Here are the two main guidance: 1) We need to rethink the traditional methods of ecosystem restoration aiming at restoring to the state in the history. 2) We can achieve the common goal of sustainable development by taking ecosystem services/disservices as metrics to evaluate ecosystem and promoting interdisciplinary collaboration. Absolutely the premise is to recognize the existence of novel ecosystems and promise to adjust the direction of management to ecosystem restoration.
Key words:  novel ecosystems  ecosystem restoration  urban ecosystem  novel urban ecosystems  ecosystem services  adaptive design
LI Xue-dan,LIN Guang-s.Theories, Development of Novel Ecosystems: Implications for Landscape Architecture[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2017, 24(8):112-117.