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郭湧1, 武廷海1, 王学荣2
以秦始皇陵园国家考古遗址公园规划为契机,应用Autodesk Civil 3D和InfraWorks等软件对秦始皇陵园进行数字地面模型构建实验,探索风景园林信息模型构建技术路径。模型融合汉中区域、陵区范围和陵园范围3个尺度的地形数据,模拟秦始皇陵园所处的地理景观,对陵园“规画”研究的结论加以验证。实验在陵园数字地面模型基础上想象复原秦陵封土和地宫的空间关系,通过封土和地宫工程中土方挖填方量的估算,验证应用LIM模型场地信息管理功能辅助“规画”研究的可行性。
关键词:  风景园林  风景园林信息模型  数字地面模型  秦始皇陵园  规画研究
LIM Model Supporting Plan Research—An Experiment on the Digital Terrain Model Building for the Mausoleum of Emperor Qin Shihuang
GUO Yong1, WU Ting-hai1, WANG Xue-rong2
1.Tsinghua University;2.Chinese Academy of Social Sciences
Within the process of the Planning of National Archaeological Park of the Mausoleum of Emperor Qin Shihuang, the experiment on building the Digital Terrain Model for the mausoleum is proceeded, so that the technological paths of Landscape Information Modeling are explored. The model merges terrain data of 3 different scales, which are the plain of Hanzhong, the entire area of the mausoleum and the garden area of the mausoleum. It simulates the geographic landscape surrounding the mausoleum and supports proof to the outcome of the plan research. Based on the DTM of the mausoleum, it is imaginatively restored to relate the heap earth over mound and the tomb underneath by spatial means. The cut and fill to building the mausoleum is estimated by means of LIM. Such experiment proves that with the ability of manipulating the information, LIM model is a promising tool to support plan research.
Key words:  landscape architecture  Landscape Information Modeling  digital terrain model  Mausoleum of Emperor Qin Shihuang  plan research
GUO Yong,WU Ting-hai,WANG Xue-rong.LIM Model Supporting Plan Research—An Experiment on the Digital Terrain Model Building for the Mausoleum of Emperor Qin Shihuang[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2017, 24(11):29-34.