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刘利刚1, 吴凡2
关键词:  海绵城市  规划设计策略  城市空间规划
A Tentative Study on the Planning Strategy of “Sponge City” from the Multi-disciplinary Perspective—Thoughts on the Course of Sponge City Planning of Qian’an City
LIU Li-gang1, WU Fan2
1.Beijing Forestry University;2.Beijing Urban Construction & Development Group Co., Limited
Sponge City helps to ease the four major problems related with rain water treatment patterns, namely water scarcity, urban waterlogging, water ecosystem destruction and deterioration of water quality, the sharply declining of groundwater level. Sponge City planning and construction need the disciplines like urban planning, landscape architecture, water supply and drainage planning, architectural design identifying and solving their main problems respectively. They should strengthen coordination and cooperation. In the construction of Sponge City, we should first recognize the problems of different cities, then choose the appropriate Sponge City planning and design strategy from the perspective of industry scale and type, urban spatial planning, green space system planning, land development mode. Sponge City planning should form the favorable land use space structure that could purify and consume rainwater in the city's overall spatial layout and plots of space layout level. Sponge City planning should be integrated into the urban planning system and be well combined with every city planning stages, such as city master plan, city regulatory plan and city detailed planning. Sponge City planning should be gradually engaged in the new district planning instead of the built environment transformation. Based on the graduate student’s landscape design of Beijing Forestry University, a tentative operational planning strategy of Sponge City at macro urban space planning level has been actively explored by the multi-disciplinary teachers of landscape architecture, urban planning and architectural design.
Key words:  Sponge City  planning strategy  urban space planning
LIU Li-gang,WU Fan.A Tentative Study on the Planning Strategy of “Sponge City” from the Multi-disciplinary Perspective—Thoughts on the Course of Sponge City Planning of Qian’an City[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2017, 24(12):117-124.