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黄俊达1, 蒋雨婷2
关键词:  城市触媒  文化复兴  东昌古城  滨湖空间
Discussion on the Cultural Renaissance in the Dongchang City’s Lakeside Space Under the Strategy of City Catalyst
HUANG Jun-da1, JIANG Yu-ting2
1.landscape architecture in Shanghai Co., Ltd;2.Hangzhou Landscape Architecture Design Institute Co., Ltd
Dongchang, as part of Liaocheng which is a renowned historic and cultural city, has gradually declined from the once “The First City in the north of the Yangtze River” during nine hundred years of its ups and downs. Without a good opportunity of the development , the city now, is urgently need activation and revival. How to maintain the flavor of the ancient city culture in the new round of transformation to enrich the daily life of residents and to meet the urban development of Liaocheng, all of them are considered of great importance. Based on the theory of city catalyst, from the point of cultural renaissance, the study discusses the transformation strategy of the lakeside spaces and explore the transformation strategy with city catalyst derived from urban history and culture, thus providing a reference for the same type of reconstruction and revival of historic districts and streets.
Key words:  city catalyst  cultural renaissance  Dongchang city  lakeside space
HUANG Jun-da,JIANG Yu-ting.Discussion on the Cultural Renaissance in the Dongchang City’s Lakeside Space Under the Strategy of City Catalyst[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2017, 24(12):125-130.