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胡楠, 王宇泓, 李雄
关键词:  风景园林  绿色校园  校园绿地
Construction of Campus Green Space from the Perspective of Green Campus —Taking Beijing Forestry University as an Example
HU Nan, WANG Yu-hong, LI Xiong
Beijing Forestry University
Green campus (GC) construction is one of the most important forms of construction in promoting sustainable development and environmental education. As a crucial tool in campus environment construction and environmental education, campus green space (CGS) is the direct embodiment of GC construction. In analyzing the CGS evaluation index of the GC evaluation standard for the Beijing Forestry University (BFU), it is clear that BFU’s CGS construction not only meets the index requirements, but also constitutes an integral part of BFU’s characteristics. This includes the combination of the CGS construction system and ornamental, participatory and exemplary green space; the complement of the CGS creation method with science-education, living and practical campus space; and the characteristic landscape planting which combines plants with landform and road. This CGS construction complements the campus on three levels: overall planning, creation and landscape planting. This study aims to serve as a reference for current CGS construction and propose plans for further CGS construction at BFU.
Key words:  landscape architecture  green campus  campus green space
HU Nan,WANG Yu-hong,LI Xiong.Construction of Campus Green Space from the Perspective of Green Campus —Taking Beijing Forestry University as an Example[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2018, 25(3):25-31.