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郑晓笛1, 徐菊杰2, 王柳昕1
关键词:  风景园林  校园景观  学生参与  清华大学
基金项目:清华大学自主科研计划资助(编号 2015THZWWH06)
Student Participatory Campus Landscape Design and Research
ZHENG Xiao-di1, XU Ju-jie2, WANG Liu-xin1
1.Tsinghua University;2.Columbia University
Campus landscape is an important environment to shape students’ growth in a gradual way. Design research on this subject has increased in China in recent years based on statistics of graduate thesis over the past ten years. In Tsinghua University, students have actively participated in campus landscape design and research both in academic and in practice. For architecture and landscape architecture students, campus landscape is subject for both design studios and final thesis, with undergraduate and graduate students focusing on various aspects. Students in other disciplines, who are the majority on campus, are able to participate in campus landscape transformation through various public participation methods. Through careful plan and linking different resources together, we can have campus landscape serve as an ideal platform to shape students attitude toward professional ethics, to train them with comprehensive design ability, and to teach professional knowledge in a real setting.
Key words:  landscape architecture  campus landscape  student participatory  Tsinghua University
ZHENG Xiao-di,XU Ju-jie,WANG Liu-xin.Student Participatory Campus Landscape Design and Research[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2018, 25(3):32-37.