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余洋, 唐晓婷, 陆诗亮
关键词:  风景园林  健康服务功能  大学校园  线性体育活动  VGI共享数据
Healthy Service Functions and Elements of Universities
YU Yang, TANG Xiao-ting, LU Shi-liang
As the site for teaching and doing research, universities have abilities to provide crucial healthy services. However, in addition to providing services for teachers and students, whether citizens should also share the healthy services provided by universities lacks clear judgments. The paper takes the sports activities such as walking and running carried in universities as the research object, using the most popular online users to obtain the VGI sharing data in terms of sports and fitness activities. Combining with the GIS technology analysis, this paper analyzes the relationship between behavior and space from four dimensions, which include personal attributes, exercising time, sports space and sports model. Through comparing features of urban space and campus space fitness, we analyze functions of health services offered by colleges and universities in order to determine the health services provided by universities. Research shows that campus space carries nearly thirty percent of urban fitness behaviors as well as has high potential support for teachers, students and citizens. The main space carriers for campus fitness activities are the campus roads, sports facilities and landscape space. The diversification of space types can effectively promote physical activities. Meanwhile, the safety effects in campus also enhances the attractiveness of campus fitness. Therefore, reasonable and effective campus management tend to improve efficiency and performance of campus healthy service.
Key words:  landscape architecture  healthy service function  university campus  linear sports activities  VGI shared data
YU Yang,TANG Xiao-ting,LU Shi-liang.Healthy Service Functions and Elements of Universities[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2018, 25(3):38-45.