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马明1, 鲍勃·摩戈尔2, 蔡镇钰1
关键词:  健康  体力活动  绿色开放空间  要素  设计
Research on the Determinants of Urban Open Green Space Design Affecting the Physical Activity from the Perspective of Health
MA Ming1, Bob Mugerauer2, CAI Zhen-yu1
1.Tongji University;2.University of Washington
In China, rapid urbanization leads to a series of public health issues. The physical activity (PA) provides a research bridge to establish the link between green open space(GOS) and health. This article systematically distinguishes and summarizes the PA factors of GOS based on the related literature from public health and medicine, etc. of which the purpose is to provide a basis for the health intervention study of green open space. It summarizes six determinants that affect PA from three dimensions of space, place and perception. Every determinant is categorized by the indictor, content, the type which affects PA. Finally, a primitive framework of GOS PA determinants is established, and based on this, the corresponding design inspiration as well as future research trend are summarized.
Key words:  health  physical activity  green open space  determinant  design
MA Ming,Bob Mugerauer,CAI Zhen-yu.Research on the Determinants of Urban Open Green Space Design Affecting the Physical Activity from the Perspective of Health[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2018, 25(4):92-97.