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王晶懋, 刘晖, 吴小辉, 宋菲菲
关键词:  生境营造  小气候因子  生境类型划分  草本植物群落
A Research on Herbaceous Plant Community Fabric Design Based on Site Microclimate Characteristic
WANG Jing-mao, LIU Hui, WU Xiao-hui, SONG Fei-fe
Xi’an University of Architecture and Technology
According to the relationship between the microclimate of urban landscape and the habitat conditions of the site, this research proposed the necessity of constructing plant community with the habitat-site design. Based on the computer analysis simulation and experimental observation of the habitat of the South-gate Garden of Xi'an University of Architecture and Technology, this paper determines that the sunshine conditions, soil water conditions and wind environment are the main factors determining the habitat type division of the site. On this basis, this paper divides into the classification of site habitat types, puts forward the design strategies and objectives of plant communities suitable for microclimate factors such as precipitation, sunshine, air temperature and wind, builds a "dry but not fallen" community pattern in winter, which is the main building group and the stratified fabric model of the herbaceous plant community, which is mainly composed of "ground cover—season theme layer—structure layer".
Key words:  habitat-site design  microclimate factor  habitat-site typlolpy  herbaceous plant community
WANG Jing-mao,LIU Hui,WU Xiao-hui,SONG Fei-fe.A Research on Herbaceous Plant Community Fabric Design Based on Site Microclimate Characteristic[J].Landscape Architecture Journal, 2018, 25(4):98-102.